Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rebung after 19 Years !

Dear All,

19th Years is damn such  a long period.. and yes, that's exactly how long all of us last met each other & gathered together... the Class of 1989 : DIPLOMA IN APPLIED  SCIENCE , ITM CAW PAHANG , TMN GELORA - APARTMENT BUKIT SEKILAU , KUANTAN PAHANG.

I love reunion, meeting old frens , planning some events with theme etc...
So, it started when I met Ochee , long lost BFF last 2 month..   So baru semangat nak plan reunion semua , as have been searching her all this while high & low.. So as everybody got excited, we set the date.. We still not managed to find adleast half of the girls from the class, as most of them we guess takde FB kot ? Even ada a few of them tapi jauh sangat , so couldn't make it...

Alhamdulillah 8 of us at last managed to fix a date ;) 

As our first reunion, I chose REBUNG  as the location  , I guess Rebung sgt selesa, not only the location is convenient , the food pun selesa dgn tekak semua org.. Knowing my frens ni semua tekak melayu And I love Rebung , not only byk lauk2 kueh2 melayu for the Lunch Buffet.. the price also reasonable RM38++

And We ( Ochee & Me ) decided that the dressing code should be Blue Jeans & White Blouse  , and suprisingly everybody agreed - yeay ;)))
#White ULUWATU's blouse , GUESS's Blue Jeans , UNIQLO Brown's Belt , Blue Accesories from DIVA MID VALLEY 

After One month via FB , SMS text message , phone calls , the day finally arrived , and its the eve of New Year.. All of them came from here & there & gathered at Bangsar , most of them from Shah Alam , as far as Serendah , Sentul , Ipoh & I guess I paling dekat Bukit Jalil.. :) he.. he.. host ngelat pilih yg plg dekat dgn rumah dia...
We took one of the room , just nice for 10 people, so adleast ada 2 extra chairs nak letak handbag & all the Presents .. Yes, we decided that each one bawak presents adleast value of RM20/- just suka2 to exchange , as a token of appreciation of the Reunion.. Ok , ini pun delay punya delay, esoknya nak reunion baru terhegeh hegeh I pergi cari okay..
The Host in the house... masa ni belum pukul 12pm pun, sebab tu Rebung takde org.. the Buffet starts at 12pm.. tapi biasalah , super excited , pukul 11:15 am dah tercegaa depan Rebung.. he.. he.. sib baik Rebung dah bukak pagar... punyalah tak sesabar nak borak.. yes 19 years tak jumpa.. Byk giler cerita ..

Our Red Room, sib baik the Theme is Blue & White , kalau Merah,,, ??? Oh no , tak boleh beza dinding & n baju sendiri  k..

The moment one by one sampai bermulalah babak kecoh , sebak, riuh etc... dah namanya mmg bertahun tahun..tak jumpa  yes, nak dekat 20 tahun x jumpa.. Alhamdulillah semuanya MASIH !!!!! mcm dulu ;)

Kak Ana , the last one to reach.. baru habis class, KAK ANA of  SIRIM  is pursuing her Master Studies.. you go babe !!!
WEEN  of SIRIM , nama je se office ngan Kak Ana, tapi x jugak diaorg selalu jumpa.. WEEN & KAK ANA , I last met last year.. dah setahun dah..

Ok, so everybody settled... dekat nak sejam berborak tak berhenti henti ...semuanya nak cakap.. sampai dah nak pukul  1PM  baru nak start makan... itu belum lagi habis  pose bergambar semua.. ;)

Ini actually not even half of the Class , so masa tu jugak we were talking about the guys . So tugas I spt biasa , buka IPAD and tunjuk muka the guys sebab dah ramai yg lupa2.. he.. he.. Maklumlah dah 20 tahun...Memandangkan I adalah DUTA FB.. so that make the job easier telling them who & who..

the 4 of u s, Gang ETR 300 , Project Keusahawanan Used Car  masa tu.. he.. he.. such a memory..

Suprised from Lovesdessert my fav vanilla Cuppies from them, a gift from me  & suprised to them ! Thank U ;)  ERIN of LOVESDESSERTS susah payah buat batch ITM lama tu.. ;)  And yes , Lovesdesserts can deliver to any of the location , so ari tu dia terus hantar ke Bangsar ;)

tengah2 makan Dato Tn Hj Chef Ismail menjenguk jenguk ke all rooms & bermesra dgn customer2 dia.. so amik kesempatan kitorang bergambar ngan dia.. amik jugak berkat dia baru balik Mekah ! Dapat jugak lah dengar Tazkirah Zohor panjang lebar dari Dato .. he.. he.. 

dah selesai makan semua sessi undian hadiah.. So I got hadiah from WEEN , MELDA dapat dari my BFF and KAK ANA got the biggest one from MELDA..

From the top  , NIK NORIS , With the presents from ME ;) a frame with our old pic in 1989 , the first semester , like 22 years ago, masa tu baru nak kenal dunia luar, 18 years old masa tu..

And dalam ramai2 tu, si cik ISMAINI tertinggal hadiah dia.. he.. he.. kelakar ;)

Idea OCHEE , a small card that each of us write , what we think of the Reunion  ;)

Alhamdulillah , the 8 beautiful ladies who made the day  sgt happening , and meaningful way to end the year...

Banyak yg dibualkan, from the College days , our life , the family  and wondering what is happening to the rest of our classmates, esp the ladies... 

SHIDAH , Ustazah Pilihan with the most kids - 8 !!! He.. he.. thanks Shidah , as some of the beautiful pics from her camera.. sian dia sikit gambar dia.. sebab yg lain bawak Iphone je.. :)

OCHEE , yg banyak membantu to make this event happen .. Disaat I was busy ada je message dia masuk to remind me... Cikgu ISMAINI.. tetap mcm dulu, once I was her roomate masa first semester. Memanjang dia wake me up bangun Subuh.. thank you IS ;)

BFF masa kat College dulu NIK NORIS & WEEN,  still macam dulu..

BAKAL DATIN  KAK ANA , good luck  for the exam & Cikgu MELDA yg masih berbau KOREA.. ehem ;) 
And lastly , yours TRULY , with my present  100%  from MEMORY LANE KLCC , dari frame , kotak & ribbon ;) and that's my fav White ULUWATU  top ;)  matching DIVA - Blue Bangles & Pendant ;)

Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar termasuk cuaca yg sgt baik & sgt mengizinkan sampai dekat nak pukul 5 melepak kat situ.. padahal buffet ended at 3PM ;)

Glad that everybody loved it.. and yes :) next meeting in Feb &  Kak Ana is the host ;))) yeay !

" Teman datang & pergi , tapi teman sejati, senantiasa di hati. Di saat mereka di sisi, itulah rahmat yg dinikmati buat semua " #Arisan!2 the Movie .

Insyaallah see you ladies in 2 months time ;)

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