Paper bag yg penuh ngan2 kain2 ela.. pepagi dah keluar rumah , macam nak berniagalah pulak..
Btw , cantik plak paper bag ni kan.. from one of the custom made shirt shop kat The Curve .

Pepagi bukak je SOGO, dah termanggu terus kat Kampung Boy Kopitiam, seen this place last week masa met somebody to collect some stuffs frm my in laws , tapi masa tu dah kul 930pm dah nak tutup, tak sempat..

Regular bfast if I go to any Kopitiam , the regular set, cuma I will take hot milo instead of Teh tarik, sbb Teh tarik Kopitiam kekadang tak cukup kaw.. tak macam teh tarik mamak Naina Ampang..
So takde maknanya nak gi office semata mata nak minum teh tarik Naina..

dah selesai makan baru Didi my anak buah sampai ngan my sister , that's him with his nasi lemak & telur mata.. he.. he.. special request tu..

my sister Angah, was talking to the boss, cuti sekolah pun still ada gak office matter.. oh ya I'm on 5 days leave !!! huh.. hu.. puaslah bangun tidor lewat kan.. ha.. ha..

the reason I met them kat Sogo tu, tak lain tak bukan sebab nak gi ke
Sheen's Taylor, biasalah dah dekat nak puasa ni tak lain tak bukan nak hantar baju Raya, she decided nak tukar Tailor plak, so I bawak dia to
Sheens.July ni dah setahun I deal dgn Sheens, senang sangat dgn diaorang, kalau takde pun , I can just leave the baju , and follow up design ker apa thru phone jer.. harga pun sangat reasonable for a Boutique Tailor yg located kat tengah2 KL ni..
Sheen's located at area Sogo otw nak ke Masjid India tu , sebaris ngan Gulatis , Euro Moda etc.. you can see ada kedai Batik
GAYA WARISAN , masuk kedai batik tu , naik tingkat dua, that's
Sheen's .Dah setahun pakai khidmat Sheen's , alhamdulillah, semua baju2 yg diaorg buat sedap sangat dipakai & selesa.. senang berurusan ngan dia org.. Tak pernah ada issue baju tak sedap dipakai langsung ;)

my another
2 pasang, at the same time collect
2 pasang yg dah tempah last month.. the blue is Batik Sutera Chiffon, I bought it masa pergi Kelantan last December, the Lilac is new kain Sari, I bought it online ;) nanti dah siap tgok macamana ya !

Pas dah settle semua , gerak ke SOGO , giler dah bertahun tak jejalan kat SOGO ni.. serious.. sejak dah ada Mid V, KLCC etc.. memang tak terfikir pun nak lepak SOGO dah..
Angah need to buy the Kid's punya swimwear for the coming Family Trip next month..

Pas dah letih tawaf SOGO , had our lunch at Secret Recipe.., that's my Prawn , Macaroni & Cheese .. sedap .. ha.. ha.. penuh rasa perut.. Rasanya this is the only menu yg I suka kat SR ni lah.. dah try a few others, tapi not so my favourite lah..

Didi while waiting for his Fries... ingatkan nak ikut diaorg balik sbb my mom ada sana, tapi since myDear tak cuti kesian pulak kat dia, tinggal sesorang kat rumah..
Lgpun, the reason on leave for 5 days .. is nak tidor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need to cover my sleep yg terkurang lately.. because of kerja, tennis, world cup etc...
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