Saturday, June 19, 2010

Demam TOY STORY 3..

Demam TOY STORY 3 la nikan, everywhere mall jual the TOYS , and it's not cheap !

That reminds me of Meera my anak buah , this pics were taken like 2 months before the TS3 hit the Cinema..

Woody at Gee's my sis in law punya office.. ni si Meera lah yg letak dia dok atas sofa , just nice kan..

Pics snap by Meera , my bro dok check apa ntah kat PC the wifey.. ni dah petang , late evening , while waiting for Gee to leave the office.. Masa ni dah takde org dah.. ramai yg dah balik..
Meera enjpying herself, she not only have Woody , Buzz Lightyear & Jessie too.. susah betul bebudak sekarang kan..
Enjoying herself while menunggu emaknya habis kerja.. as we already planned nak ke KLCC..
Wonder is this Bonnie , Molly or Daisy , so check out TOY STORY 3 now... !!!!!!!!!!!

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