Last Saturday was the last reception for Adam & Nor, it's the wedding dinner @ Equatorial KL.
Event started at 630pm with a gathering @ the pool.. most of the guest are the peeps from myDear's company.. ada gak few of them yg I kenal, and ada gak few of them were ex-my company...

*** in his new suit , new custome made shirt.. semua pun new ..
sampai EH just nice, sbb takde jammed on Saturday.. lagipun org ramai kat rumah tgok World Cup agaknya..

** suprisingly it's not a new dress hah.. hah.. I bought it last year @ Phenomenal Mid Valley .. this is the second time wearing it..

ballroom is ready for the newlywed .. the beautiful cake...

while the rest mingle around kat the pool , we enter earlier & snap all the beautiful settings of the ballroom..

it's the Chinese food for the nite , sedap & kenyang giler , by the time the Red Snapper sampai.. I dah totally full!!!!!

gentlemen at the pool .. some of the close frens , semua from different branch..

Nor , the sparkle eyes of the happily married .. seronok tgok pengantin kan..
She looks cantik sgt that nite... am happy for both of them..

a toast & Yam Seng for the bride & the groom.. our table dah memang arrange to be our close frens.. so sgt happening lah..

the wedding singer for the nite ! she sang all the beautiful songs... memang mlm tu happening..

okay, this is the romantic part.. ;)

the bride throwing the flowers.. giler, ramai betul yg tak kahwin lagi at the dinner.. he.. he..

the couple at our table !! Congarats to both, the dinner was really great . Thanks to Adam to made us real VIP during the nite.. ;)

Hoping all the best in venturing the new world.. kekadang bila kita berbuat baik kpd orang.. akan dibalas dgn lebih lagi tanpa kita sedari.. Alhamdulillah..
thanks to Adam yg made everybody feels so special malam tu.. semua rasa we're the guest of honour , datang totally sebagai tetamu.. even masa nak nak gambar diaorg pun he kept saying , just enjoy the dinner...
great thanks to Adam's family yg really appreciate what we did during the akad nikah & kenduri tuh.. thanks a lot! It's a pleasure to guide a saudara baru okay ..

leaving the ballroom dgn rasa happy that semuanya berjalan dgn lancar.. this is one of the best dinner that we had ever attended...
happy , but also sad that its' over !!!
like I put the caption in my FB, Great Dinner , Great People !
lovely wedding, very intimate. this is the kind of wedding i love to attend
Liza, couldnt agree more ;)
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