Spotted this beautiful handbag of Datuk Sharizat frm my sis in law Kak Long's #FB.. very the beautiful kan.. Red & Black Prada.. This was during the Baby Hatch Centre launching..
Good taste Datuk.. he.. he.. :)

Masa bujang giler Guess memanjang.. semua design Guess beli.. but then lepas dah kahwin myDear tak berapa suka Guess, so I opted for Braun Buffel.. masa tu dah kira dasyat giler..
My first expensive Handbag bought last 3 years rasanya.. in 2007, masa ni Coach baru sgt masuk Malaysia.. and masa tu ramai org tak layan sgt Coach ni.. tapi I like it sebab masa tu kat US dok giler Coach..
and masa baru masuk Msia, Coach still limited design & a bit expensive range yg ada pun.. and this was chosen by myDear pun, itu pun dah berapa kali fikir daa... and he paid for it.. he.. he..
that was the first Baby Coach.. and still wearing it till today... tapi taklah pakai lasak hari2 sebab for daily used ada byk beg2 lain.. contohnya this one brown Charles & Keith.. I bought masa C&K sales.. murah jer.. tak sampai 200rm after less, sebabnya not only big & boleh lasak pakai hari2.. then it also can carry my Nikon ke hulu ke hilir...
** spotted with the Brown C&K at Pavillion Christmas Launching
see.. the bib Brown C&K boleh muat DSLR yg besor tu.. tak sampai hati nak angkut Nikon inside the Coach.. kesian kan..

and that was last year.. this year , exactly last month at last I got myself a new bag..
I hardly suka this brand sebab banyak aunty pai lan semua dok pakai the fake , the PS or the grade A+++ yg dok jual kat Internet.... sampai it's difficult for you to differentiate the real dgn yg tipu maa...
Brown Guccissima Hobo !
So, I was so excited with the Bag ,the most expensive so far , at last got myself a Gucci.. susah nak suka design Gucci, but this was awesome !!! Fell in love the first time I saw it...
Masa first time pakai.. berapa banyak I pose ngan bag ni.. he.. he.. yes.. so excited kan..
just like the dialogue in Pisau Cukur.. Oh My Gucci !!! and yes, that's my Gucci !
achumm! kena bersin banyak2 that bila sebut the dialogue banyak2 kali..lama2 betul2 jadi hakmilik sendiri
i love that red coach. Coach jarang have red handbags and this one look gorgeous!
Lily .. betul kan ???
yes, Coach hardly ada yg merah terang kan??
memang bag dan pompuan tak boleh dipisahkan
Nak Kamera Free??
agree !!!
wow byk br nk kumpul handbag mahal tu pun since dh duk rambang mata..x tau nk pilih yg mana
the price kat sana murah tak ??
let say LV kalau kat malaysia 4000 sini blh dpt dlm 3000k mcm tu lah..murah la skt..
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