June is the month yg full of Wedding here and there.. the first week jer.. dah berasak ada 4 jemputan.. oh not 4 but 5 jemputan.. sigh... sorry sangat.. 1 from my Ex manager Shukran, 1 from working colleague Lyn, 1 sedara anak buah kat Kuala Kangsar & 1 is VVIP Wedding kat Rantau... ( frust gak tak dapat jumpa KJ tu... )

all these invitation terpaksa di turn down as there is a very2 special2 Wedding for us to attend, not only to attend but gto get involve..:)

okay , that as you can see early morning as early kul 1030am , dah terpacak kat Putrajaya Presint 11 , as the morning is the Akad Nikah..
very limited guest pagi tu.. so rombongan kami pihak lelaki sampai awal pagi tu, alhamdulillah.
MyDear adalah Pengapit utk the very special moment , that is the Akad Nikah..
Very Special sebabnya Adam adalah saudara baru.. and on the said day Adam just have very close relatives, brother & sisters to be with hime..

That's why I said yg this is a very special wedding..! Not only Adam that I knew for very2 long time.. as we used to work in the same company like 1o years ago kot, but being a good friend to myDear, Adam juga is myDear's Boss.. he.. he.. :)

Bukan senang nak ngadap Tok Kadi for the first time, apatah lagi saudara baru macam Adam, but alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan dgn lancar.. dalam suasana yg tenang pagi tu...

Nor looks so radiant pagi tu.. dah macam Ikan Duyung.. he.. he.. and all of us were so happy for them... dah lama dok menunggu wedding of the year ni.. akhirbya semuanya selesai..

Hantaran yg simple , tapi cantik2.. good taste from both of them..

Baju Melayu Omar Ali.. baju raya Adam this year kot.. he.. he..

Patchi.. btw , I was the one yg angkat Dulang patchi ni masa datang, tempting la pulak..

Am & myDear was among the 2 very close friend yg ada masa Adam's akad Nikah pagi tu.. there's another fren of them dari Kulai, tak sesampai lagi pagi tu..
but Am & myDear dua org saksi penting pagi tu.. dah vukup dah...

the ring, pengikat kasih..

the beautiful shoes & clutch..

there we are akhirnya dgn the newly wed !! pelamin dia sgt simple dan cantik ..

the sweet couple !

Nor's make up was by MAC itself.. cantik kan ?? simple dan tak over..

lega lepas semuanya selamat dan lancar... we ended the day petang tu lepas segalanya selesai.. walaupun hazab panas Putrajaya, tapi bila semua yg dirancang selesai.. lega rasanya..
happy to see Adam's & Nor's face !

myDear yg plg lega..akhirnya Boss dia kahwin jugak.. he.. he..
balik tu terus tidor panjang.. letih .. esok is another day !
aah lor...very sweet couple..hope dorg will live hepily ever after :)
i pun byk invitation... next pun ada nih. hari ni pun ada but jauh..
i like the gubahan tulah bunga orkid kan.. nampak simple tapi kelas gitu
yatie, sawanila.com
wow...bertambah lg saudara seislam..congratulations to ur bos..sweet couple..thx singgah blog dee..
yelah kan.. Orchid made some different..
alhamdulillah kan..
muka pengantin pompuan macam agnes monica skit2x heheh
Agnes M? oh I see.. cam Marsha AF pun ada kan ?
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