Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beautiful Wedding Day 2

Pagi Ahad tu sgt menyesakkan.. pepagi kul 830am dah bangun dah sebab si Kamira dah sampai nak cuci rumah.. selalunya pukul 1030am, tapi sebab pagi tu ada kenduri so terpaksa lah dia dtg awal..

Kamira the indon helper datang seminggu atau 2 minggu sekali to do the house cleaning kat rumah tu..
mati2 ingatkan gambar ni half potrait size.. rupanya penuhlah pulak.. that's my favourite one & only Nyonya Kebaya, dah nak setahun dah.. am loving it ;) gerak ke Putrajaya around 1230noon.. tgah pepanas tuh...

Sampai sana , Am dah tunggu dah.. we r waiting for the Pengantin Lelaki & family before gerak ke rumah the bride.. maklumlah, rombongan pengantin lelaki semuanya member2 the same company..
kereta the King of the day , a.k.a Raja Sehari..
Muhammad Adam is smiling ;) it's his very2 special day.. being a not Malay guy.. he was amazed , excited & really looking forward dgn cara kenduri kendara org melayu ni..
another big Boss.. the highly paid driver of the day... he.. he.. duty for the day the Big Boss bawak another Big Boss for the wedding.. and this Big Boss is still single & available !!!
melepak dlm keta while waiting the rest of the Family from PJ sampai..
myDear dok testing the camera while waiting.. maklumlah dia cameraman tak dibayar.. he.. he.. ada prof photographer.. but since he really wanted to capture moments & faces ( faces org2 office dia lah..) so gigih jugak dia.. smlm sbb jadi pengapit tak sempat snap bebanyak..

make sure the Pihak Lelaki rombongan punya keta beriben.. he.. he..
Big boss cum Adam's close fren, was helping Adam with his suite.. ni while waiting for the rest of Adam's family member before gerak ke Presint 11 , rumah Nor..
the happy face of Adam's sister .. sgt happy that the brother akhirnya kahwin jugak.. dok busy memanjang dgn kerja.. that he hardly thinking of settle down etc...

all of us tak pernah tanya pun about the wedding , planning etc.. maklumlah cinta lain agama.. sampailah Adam talked to myDear about getting marry & convert to Muslim etc.. then only we knew, it will happen soon...
Man pengapit yg pengepit jer... he.. he.. rendah , camana nak payungkan pengantin.. btw Man pun masih bujang.. sorang lagi from the colleague yg belum kahwin2 lagi.. ni pun sama busy memanjang jugak..

Man now based kat Johor.. came all the way..for their Boss's big day..
sampai kat rumah pengantin perempuan in few minutes jer.. yg org sana dah standby dah... penuh menunggu depan tu..
okay, the groom dah ready menanti..kat depan pagar rumah..
sweet kan, the flower girl yg menunggu walaupun di tengah panas.. comel adik ni..
that's me ngan anak buah Adam.. rombongan pihak lelaki disambung meriah.. terima kasih ;) dah alama rasanya tak datang as arombongan.. the last time it was like a year ago..
kompang yg standby.. masa ni dah kul 1pm lebih dah.... memang tgah panas terik tu.. sampai je kitorang kompang pun terus on..
the couple as sweet as ever.. ramai yg kome dlm FB wedding 1 Malaysia.. ;)
great moments for the newly wed..
tak senang pengantin nak makan kan.. berpusu org nak ngambik gambar.. anyway itulah raja sehari kan..
dah letih mengambil gambar barulah myDear sempat nak makan.. dari tadi dok ke hulu ke hilir.. capturing the moments & faces esp the office mates yg datang kan..

lauk kenduri sgtlah sedap.. memang bagus catering tu..not the typical ayam masak merahlah.. anyway masakan dia sedap sangat.. ayam goreng berempah, rendang daging, acar, dalca dan nasi beriani.. sedapp!!!!
okay, that's pengantin lama dan pengantin baru, congrats to both ! u guys look just great.. cantik!!!
with Nor's family!!! Adam cam dah letih masa ni...
bersanding lagi lepas acara potong kek semua...this shot was my favourite too, Adam dah letih.. tak biasa berposing sakan kot...
dah lepas makan, dah minum teh tarik semua , ni dah lepas acara potong kek semua.. so ni tgah tunggu myDear dok ngambik gambar boss dia.. dah letih dah masa ni..
moga dah dapat adapt to new chapter in life.. and Adam pun dah start kerja dah rasanya.. walaupun the celebration belum selesai lagi..1 more to go this weekend..

Nor looking at the pictures..
alhamdulillah Day 2 berjalan dgn lancar.. anaother one more to go this weekend !!!!

by the time habis dah pukul 3 lebih dah.. taksempat nak ke another Big Wedding kat Rantau... wpun agak frust sbb at Twitter I saw that KJ was at the wedding.. ha.. ha...

and yes.. I like KJ.. ;).


lily lotus said...

such a lovely wedding :)...congrates to them

Mulan said...

Lily ,
thanks !!! on behalf ;) happy hols babe .