the ever loyal 1/2 gallon Coleman jug.. he's been with myDear more than 8 years I guess.. and still looking good!
these are some of the wajib things to bring for the Race.. yes.. its e race day!!!!

Mars or snickers not to forget...
Yesterday was the firts ever Nite Run .. it was PUTRAJAYA NIGHT MARATHON 2010..

hes' doing the half Marathon 21km , race started at 830pm.. so tak sempat nak dinner.. it's kind of weird sebab selalunya race pepagi buta..

sempat lagi nak lepas kan gian.. lately sejak dah started to work at Damansara he has very limited time to ride.. sigh..

ini antara org yg takde smart tag.. tapi redah gak, huh.. susahkan org je nak reverse..


last minute getting ready with the numbers, chip etc.. actually the registration for the Marathon dah full.. infact ramai yg lari haram jer mlm tu..
But thanks to Jaja & hubby , the 3 of them dapat di registered gak.. thanks a lot !

race started at 830pm.. see and look at the crowd...

the startr & finishing point..

thanks to organiser.. ada gerai2 makan kat Marathon ni.. selalunya takde.. so that I can kill the 2 hours waiting..
had my Burger & air jambu batu.. what a bliss Sat's nite..

Putrajaya was very beautiful at nite.. giler tgoknya ..

the Fun Run 5km was the last one to start..around 930pm.. ni lari suka2 jer..

the stage..

VIP's was having their dinner.. VIP mlm tu Dato Raja Nong Chik..

Fly FM & 8TV was there too.. ada brass band, ada some breakdance show etc...

after 2 hours 22 mins.. his Personal Best for 21km.. alhamdulillah my Dear made it to the fini line.. tak dpt nak captures the moment at the finishing line tks to stupid organisers & crew yg tak bagi org tunggu depan tuh..
I guess they dont understand the feeling to see ur loved ones reach the finishing line at last.. huh..

the unofficial time.. and it's 7 mins to 11pm already..

lost the smile due to the long run.. he.. he.. org dah nak pengsan lagi nak suruh pose kan.. he.. he..

the finisher medal ! wuhoo...

glad & proud of u !!!!!

with Tabira.. he clocked 2 mins earlier .. !

these are the Kenyans ! there are the top 5 Winner for the 42km Marathon.. giler kan.. imagine 42km and they already reach the finishin line at this hour !!!

3rd placing huh

Anti Doping team.. it means serious business 0kay..

no goodies bag for this run.. instead they give like food & drinks only..hmmm..

the new custom made shoes..! look at the name at the side !!!

debriefing about the run.. some post mortem..? while waiting for Upiq..

me.. at every Race.. !!!

this is Chief ! he's 58th today & he still did 21km Marathon last nite in real good shape.. bravo ! Chief's wife Jaja will deliver their first child next month.. wow!!!

after 3 hours Upiq reach th ef inishing line ! Bravo Upiq.. u r great man.. I wish I have the courage to run just like him..!

chillin down.. while waiting the rest of the colleague.. at this hour the full Marathon is istill goin on..

yours truly , before eaving Pjaya..

the newbies.. joining the club.. balik dr PJ smlm tetiba pening giler.. terus tidor dampai 11am today.. he.. he.. mengalahkan org yg lari..

all well ends well.. we have another run next month !!!!!!! see u in PJAYA again..
congrats!! you must be very proud!!
congrates! tumpang bangga juga...
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