Nor & Isteri yg cun Shema.. last minute planning... jumpa kat SP .. just for a short teh tarik sbb kedai dah nak tutup masa ni..

Nor is leaving our company.. sedih gak.. but since it's a damn better offer.. it's good for Him.. dan yg penting.. Nor will be working around my area.. he.. he.. welcome to Selangor Nor..!

me & Liza, yg dah lama tak jumpa.. sampai rambut dia pun dah bertukar colour.. Liza will be alone kat SP as Nor & another 2 guys frm the gang will also leave the company.. kesian dia..
I can imagine working without kepala yg ngam.. that's what I experienced few mths ago when I left them.. anyway I'm okay now...

as all these pics today form my Iphone termasuklah gambar ni yg selalu I snap every time I try nak off the IPhone.. he.. he.. that's the front "page" of my phone..

I was on Mc today.. huh.. bad migraine, plus perut tak berapa sedap.. pagi2 dah pergi Klinik.. selera nak makan kalau tak sihat ni teruk sjet.. so we decided to go to Ayam Kg Al Hassan kat RNR Awan Besar..

Look at the daging kawah.. sedap tuh.. Al Hassan ada a few oulets.. the original one was at Cheras.. full house tu kalau lunch hour.. the same with Awan Besar's ni.. tapi since we reach early before 12noon.. so tak busy lagi..
The food is good, ditambah ngan cecah budu etc.. memang sedap.. not only that they also have Pengat Pisang for dessert.. sedap tu..
Lepas makan gerak ke OCM.. to collect the running kit.. yes, there's another event this weekend..

and this is the firts Nite Run that he's going to join.. he.. he.. excitee gak sebab tak perlu bangun pagi kan.. and this time kat Putrajaya..

Kit collection means to collect the Number, time chip , the baju for the run etc...

tak ramai lagi sebab I guess the lunch hour baru start.. so nasib masih baik.. kalau tak, siaplah queue panjang...

OCM is Olympic Council Malaysia.. located area Stdium Negara, VI etc.. around that area lah..

that's the race kit.. that 's Meen's my cousin punya since he's in Ipoh & only will be coming on the day of the race.

Power Bar counter.. the price is cheaper everytime they had their booth open camni..

Ended up buying this Recovery drink.. tak taulah dah berapa byk tong2 camni kat rumah.. don't ask me..

lepas settle semua, terus balik rumah sebab I still feel dizzy.. and this are the med that I need to finish..

banyak giler kan.. and this is specifically for migraine.. the rest for fever.. heat etc.. huh.. overdose !
back to work trow...
get well soon dear.. my friend sorang jenis migrain teruk.. i takut tengok.. u take care k?
click here for accessories, beauty products, bags, hijjabs and cakes.. all in one store for you.
Ayu.. thanks !
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