Dah start holiday mood since smlm walaupun smlm masih kerja.. huh !
This morning had agood big bfast.. cum lunch..balas dendam tuh..

baju dah ready dah.. yup, tengah packing as leaving for Neg Sembilan jap lagi.. has to attend wedding of my cousin.. the engagegement was few mths back..

cantik tak ? the typical Jakarta's Kebaya, got the kain frm Butik Kak Aida.. - bilalah dia nak letak online kedai dia.. senang nak link..
I bought the Kain at very good price and cam selalu send to Sheens Taylor ..

If u follow the malay gossip, Kak Aida is the lady yg Janda si Akhil wat propa amil baju tak bayar..! amik kau gambar Kak Aida keluar Harian Metro besar giler.. siap color lagi..
She's a very nice & beautiful lady.. nanti I amik gambar kat Kedai dia & put in here k..

the seasons if finally here.. after all the Lokam , Pussywillo, Lime Tree, Lucky Bamboo.. trow is the CNY yeay!

I love the Red Season and has captured thephotos few places in my FB.. too busy tak manage to capture KLCC ths year..

but masa Zmas hari tu pun KLCC mengecewakan..I love Mid V this year for CNY decor..

hopefully that the year of Tiger will give us more luck !! wealth & a prosperous year..

To all Chinese frens out there Happy CNY.. to the rest.. happy resting !!!!!!!!
1 comment:
the sulaman is so nice...can't wait for this entry
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