I blog things that happening in my life.. things that added color to my life.. so, kalau nak masuk blog2 ilmiah.. site2 serious etc.. I really don't have the time..
So, I remember somebody that is so HELPFUL, KNOWLEDGEABLE dlm hal2 DSLR ni since I just got mine last few mths..
as expected.. his answer , instruction was soo easy & at last.. I made it.. he.. he..before this dah byk kali I try tapi cam tak jadi..
at last.. yeah.. dah ada watermark...
thanks to Mr KYOLL.. the hubby for lovely Miss Yatie of SAWANILA...
Click here and u can ask MR KYOLL anything and he will answer u walaupun dah berkali org tanya soalan tu..( like my case ni.. dah hantar baru sedar dah ada org tanya before this.. )
thanks & oh ya.. happy Birthday to Mr KYOLL tu.. :)
ayu pun x pass pass buat watermark.. sudahnya edit je gambar tu..
ATS SHOPPE - Macam-macam ada!!!
good2..eh u should share how the simple tips to do watermark..hehe
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