The picture belows captured one of the most memorable & enjoyable moments during my school days..

I was the girl sitting 3 rd form the left.. in between Arwah Mai ( alfatihah) & my best buddy
Yang Nazaltul Shafinaz..Dah lama I nak buat this entry.. tapi tak kesampaian jer.. so after the Wedding entry.. I think it would be just nice to continue with this entry..
Yang Nazaltul Shafinaz or known as Yang was my best friend when I did my Form 6 at ACS Ipoh.. let me guess.. like 20 years ago???
Yang was the one in Purple , me in black. This was taken on "Social Nite " at school that was organised by the Upper 6 to get to know the Lower 6.. the newbies .. that was us..
the one in Blue was Arwah Rose & the one in White was Arwah Maizura.. both of them were no longer with us.. alfatihah..
I hardly ada best friend pempuan.. so that's why
Yang was very special..
the guys were
Ashraff ( lost contact ) , Ariff ( just met after nearly 20years ),
E-Zuhri -already a famous Photographer in KL, Rahim - Pen Pengarah Kemas @ Neg Sembilan..
I last seen Yang when she got married like 15 years ago kot.. I came back & jadi pengapit dia.. after that dah lost contact and both of us busy with our own life.. on & off contact each other since dia kat Ipoh & I'm in KL..
thanks to
Facebook , we got connected back.. & I took the opportunity to suprised her.. he.. he.. sebenarnya janji nak jumpa for e Wedding.. but the day before Wedding.. myDear ada hal kat Ipoh.. so...
SUPRISED.. I went to BSN Ipoh & kidnapped her for an early lunch..

Yang was calling the hubby.. he.. he.. happy giler dpt jumpa dia after the long years....

chat @ Starbucks Ipoh.. cozy giler since it was working days.. he.. he...

byk sgt benda yg nak diborakkan.. miss those days.. esp after the school, Yang's dad will pick her up & kdg2 I follow & lepak rumah dia.. he.. he...
the whole family was soooo nice to me...:)

the Lovely Yang married to Zaid our Junior..and they are happily with 4 kids now.. dah besar giler bebudak tu..

the value of Friendship, her kindness and all the great moments that I shared with her.. takde gantinya..
Yang for the Friendship that we had until today.. wish I could see u more often..

Yang also had her blog, but she never knew that I had one.. he.. he..
Yang also is good in cake , cuppies etc.. check it out here
http://mygroovycakes.blogspot.comthanks for being a great friend :) & miss u much !!!!!!!!
jue...such a lovely post from brought tears in my eyes...u know how sensitive i am though i'm also bubbly...and know i can't stop cying co's of this sweet of u jue...i feel honoured...thanks dear u...
u r e best fren that i ever had :)
i love meeting my old friends, thanks to fb, ramai yg dah dapat contact balik
its true !
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