Lepas aja habis the
wedding, terus gerak terus balik ke Kuala Kangsar.. yeay.. its' going to be a long hols for me.. until end of e year...
Sgt tak sabar as the rest of the family.. both my sisters dah ada kat rumah my mom.. and my brother is on the way.. wuhoo...!!!

Bandar Diraja Perak yg for me plg cantik dibandingkan ngan Bdr Diraja lain.. he.. he.. bias ? No , I'm serious.. datanglah ke Kuala Kangsar kalau tak percaya..

makin cantik pekan Kuala ni.. sempat lagi snap kat Traffic Lite..rindu giler nak balik Kuala.. last balik masa Raya rasanya..huh..

Pintu gerbang baru ni.. mak aiik bertambah cantik kan.. pekan Kuala, u r e best.. ni org neg Sembilan pun akui.. setiap kali balik kg di myDear mesti cakap.. Pekan Kuala Kangsar memang best, cantik, bersih, mlm pulak penuh lampu..
My house dekat
Bukit Kerajaan.. just nest to Bukit Chandan, Istana , Masjid Ubusiah etc.. so, aura cantik tu terasalah kan.. he.. he.. hmmm.. rindu plak nak balik Kuala masa buat entry ni..

the kids all of them dah ada..
Luqman trying his best to smile.. masa ni dia baru jer lepas recover from Bersunat.. he.. he.. cool Aman..u r e man! He's in Std 5 this year..

si anak patung , baby doll
Qaseh.. she's just adorable kan.. cuma geramnya dia susah senyum.. Qaseh just turn 1 early Jan hari tu.... !! Happy Bday ..:)

the gangster @ Kuala Kangsar.. these 2 guys bukan main lagi riang since the other 2 guys baru habis bersunat.. so frm e pics u can imagine can.. naughty by nature
Adam - Qaseh's bro and
Didi.. the younger Brother of Luqman & Imran..
both of them just started Std 1 this year..
btw where's Imran eh ? susah betul nak amik gambar budak tu...

Hanna, the sister of Aman, Imran & Didi..

Myra my bro's one and only daughter just reach Kuala masa ni.. budak ni pun lasak.. susah betul nak snap her pix..

the next TooPhat..

aha.. there's
Imran.. masa ni he's still not recover frm bersunat.. kesian dia.. taklehlah nak bergusti bagai..

Luqman trying his best to baby sit Hanna.. look at both of them ? same smile ? he.. he..
These are the beautiful faces..7 cucu's yg meriuhkan rumah kat Kuala tu, kalau diaorg takde sunyi giler rasanya rumah tu...
can u Imagine my mom? the Opah trying her best nak puaskan kehendak diaorg.. bila balik kg semua demand nak makan mcm2.. itu belum demand anak2 dia yg 4 org tu.. he.. he..
love to be back HOME !
2 of my good friends are from KK and they are so proud of it. nanti depa kawin, plan to go to KK...
yeah.. u should Liza,, and dont forget the simple yet delicious Laksa & cendol... !!!!
hey...i love kedai2 kat situ jugak...semua barang murah2...have you been to SAKAN?kelakar sangat...bra pun ada jual dengan harga rm1.90...memang xde kualiti...tp karpet kat situ murah...toto...narita...ehhh...macam2 la...so...beramai2 la kawan2 kita ke KUALA KANGSAR BANDAR DIRAJA...JOMMMM...
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