Saturday datang lagi.. woke up as early as 6am walaupun tak kerja..
He has a ride to Broga.. I pun tak tau kat mana ni.. but it was very2 far.. so pagi2 prepared the bfast.. egGs, roti bakar coffee etc.. by 645am he left the house and I sambung tidur..
Jaga balik dah pukul 11am, so lepak.. kul 12 lebih baru terasa lapar.. turun bawah tpau some food..
that was my brunch.. nasi goreng & sambal sotong.. that was my favourite bfast.. makcik tu pun dah tau what I want..
the two kakak indon cam selalu will come & clean the house.. this was done weekly .. at times two weeks once depends we all ada rumah ke tak ..
last week we were busy so today they have to do doubl job lah..
No! I don't have a maid.. so they will come and do the weekly cleaning as per request.. call jer they will come..
so today take the opportunity tukar cushion cover.. this was my fav.. lama tak pakai this one..
siap semuanya.. dan while waiting for them to finish I CLEARED... and CLEARED the memory of the SD Card of my DSLR...he.. he.. this is one of the thing that I dislike about dig cam kan.. malas nak delete/ download etc...
and he already on his way and siap tapau me Nasi LEMAK.. wuhoo...
I'm resting only at 6pm on a Lazy Saturday..:)
Happy Weekend peeps !
sounds like a very lovely saturday...i had a very lovely one too...asyik main farmville and cafeworld aje...cepat2 masak then continue...addicted...hilang all the stress...
I wish I had help cleaning the house. Wanna get part time help too but so difficult trying to find aq reliable one here.
have a good weekend! nasi lemak nampak sungguh sedap
the nasi goreng looks so tempting..
great u enjoyed ur weekend.
take care!
best u ada helper gitu. taklah penat buat kerja sorang2..take care!
Masak kat Cafe boleh jadi giler.. cant stop doing that..
@ Raf..
like u.. u really nedd one..
@ Liza.. mmg sedap..
@ Ayu.. yeap! great weekend..
@ Lily Lotus.. ( just love e name !)
nak buat sorang pengsan woo..
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