Lepas wedding , terus balik Kuala Kangsar.. tak lama pun kat Kuala Kangsar.. so the Monday is the only day that I'm free.. so awal pagi tu decided to meet up with peeps that I've not seen for like 20 years ??? yes.. they are my classmates & schoolmates masa Form 1 to 5..
dah few mths ber FB, cuma like I said.. most of them kat Ipoh.. I'm the only one merantau jauh dan tak balik2 kat KL ni..

so, pagi tu texted
Ita, try to fix siapa yg ada..the gang masa sekolah ada like 5 to 6 of us.. hmm tak put too much hope.. siapa yg ada jelah.. adleast sempat jumpa jugak..
Ita texted back that 3 of them Available..
Bib according to her FB status, she is leaving for Penang.. see, how FB , connected people kan.. I guess not only me..!!
Xmas @ Jusco Ipoh Garden.. this is the happening Mall kat Ipoh.. I reach earlier.. lepak ngan myDear & trying my best carik kedai to resize my ring.. susah betul setiap kali beli ring I have to resize..jari kecik sgt..

they need 1 week to do it.. so cancelled lah.. will do it once I get back to KL.. huh..
me in
Ed Hardy yo.. ha.. ha.. yeah.. at last I got my
Ed Hardy.. baru jer pun.. susah betul nak cari design that I like & yg sesuai.. nanti yg ganas2 my mom tgok pun takut.. he.. he.. tu belum mak mentuo den.. tak sesuai langsung nak pakai balik kg kan..

Me favourite
Caramel Latte @ Coffebean.. tak byk choices of Kopitiam kat sini.. ended up lepak CB.. kalau kat KL byk Kopitiam kan..

lepak for tea while waiting for the lads... iyalah.. ada yg kerja since it's Monday...!
Ita call me yg she's a bit late as
Bib is coming too.. wee..:) he.. he.. thanks Ita..
janji kat Jusco Ipoh & they pick me up and straight to
B&R's Bridal House..This lovely
Bridal's House owned by
Ruliza.. one of our colleague in Sek Men Seri Puteri Ipoh..
tak sangka
Liza yg rugged giler & sempoi time sekolah ended up jadi mak andam , wedding planner etc.. ha.. ha.. that's life kan ?

the beautiful decor.. most of the baju & material kain pengantin she bought all the way frm Jakarta, Bandung etc.. cantik giler tau..

love the decor.. tapi tak sempat nak ambil byk gambar.. at the same time riuh when all of us jumpa balik.. will try to come back & take photo in detail for her..

the 5 of us ! actually 6.. Nor cannot make it.. she got a new baby.. congrats
Nor.. miss her too..
yeap ! Desperate Housewives is back >>> Bree, Edie, Lynette, Susan & Gabby !! he.. he.. I love Gabby..
Yatie/ Zack( nama zaman sekolah ) just came back frm Office ,
Bib just quit her job to concentrate ladang syur dia ,
Ita - still on study leave..,
Liza / Laksa ( nama zaman sekolah ) the proud owner of B&R Bridal House .. and me !!!
except for
Zack that came for my wedding.. the rest I've not seen them since 1989.. giler kan???
20 years and here we are..

B&R located at the shophouses just next to Jusco Ipoh Garden.. congrats
Liza.. dah jutawan jgn lupa member ya..
since semua dah tersangat lapar.. terus gerak cari makan..
Zack suggested
Rest Firdaus.. beriya jer.. cam ada share jer kat Kedai tu.. he.. he.. jgn marah Zack..

Happy to meet
Ruliza a.k.a Liza.. I totally had lost contact dgn dia.. plus she joined Sek Teknik after SRP..

my dear
Zack a.k.a Zailayati.. masih lembut & cool macam dulu.. I adore her.. & I remember went to her wedding & she came to mine.. dah besar giler anak dia..
Rozita a.k.a Ita.. bakal Pengetua ni.. imagine she went back to teach in our school.. giler Nostalgia kan ????
Bib.. also lost contact with her since 1989.. glad to see her back..
Nurul Firdaus food was damn good.. sedap giler.. located at area Tasik Jln Kuala Kangsar.. thanks
Zack for the idea.. byk idea ptg tu tapi since the time is short.. & last min plan.. so this place was chosen..

discussing business, macamana nak kurus.. he.. he.. as usual ladies topics.. Liza was busy with stock ordering etc jugak masa ni.. business means business for her..

like I said the food is good.. byg giler that we ordered.. he.. he.. camana nak diet ni..

tomyam yg sedap ! thanks
Liza for the treat..
Rodiah.. one of our frens came & she's also business women .. and still single okay...

after hours of eating , gelak & non stop bersembang..mostly about our frens and where they are.. we had to call the day off..
it was a great small "Reunion" walaupun sekejap.. 2 jam setengah tu cam sekejap je kan.. hopefully to meet u guys again next time.. I really mean it...
Ita to made it happen !!!!!
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