this entry was what happened the last day in KL before both of us went back to Ipoh for the
Reunion & the holidays.. oh okay.. entry holidays tu belum lg kan.. hmm..

the last weekend before Xmas the say that I started my lwave after a hectic month , so we went to Pavillion.. simply sebab dah book movie for tnite ! Damn
AVATAR dah fully book in Mid V..yg ada kat Pavillion pun tonite punya show like
Xmas in Pavillion ! I really love
Xmas Decor & for 2009 , Pavillion beats Mid V.. too bad.. Mid V used to have the best Xmas decor tau before this.. but now no more..

the red carpet.. fyi the 4 big Xmas tree kat belakang tu, tinggi giler tau.. a very huge one.. look at the peeps kat situ , nak amik gambar pun susah..

Pavilion dah full cam Chow Kit on a Saturday.. huh..

tak sempat bfast , so we straight away gi lunch.. like I update in my FB's.. it's FRIDAY's on a Satuday..

sebabnya we lunch at Friday's masa tu..sebabnya dah lapar giler..

Friday tak full sgt masa ni.. yg lain full house..

look at the cheese.. sedap kan..

my Salmon..:)

his Chicken..
lepas lunch sambung balik jalan & shop some stuffs.. lepas tu terus gerak ke KLCC.. sebabnya nak ke ED hardy.. yeay.. akhirnya.. dah byk kali pergi EH ni.. try tapi tak jasdi beli sebab cam susah nak cari design yg betul2 suka...

this is me setelah hampir sejam kat dalam tu.. huh.. oh.. ni senyum dah selesai semua urusniaga..

the best thing about KLCC still it's not as big as Pavillion yg kadang2 letih nak jalan frm 1 level to another.. just that everything is near to each other..

sebab dah letih seharian jalan.. lapar balik.. then pergi La Cucur.. the Laksa was superb !

the traditional kueh.. & teh tarik..

Twin Tower from La Cucur.. !

sambil melihat what stuffs that I bought.. the Bangle.. frm Promod Pavillion.. Promod's bangles & accesories is the best for cheap !

MAC's.. itulah malas pergi MAC.. patutnya nak beli compact powder jer.. tapi mesti terjebak beli yg lain.. that was Make up base.. tapi okaylah.. dai bagi make up last longer.. huh.. huh..

dah letih.. tapi gigih tak nak balik rumah.. nk terus tgok wayang at 95opm..

Xmas kat KLCC .. tak best sangat.. cam semak jer..

that was my Ed Hardy.. he.. he..

and the Sherlock Holmes books beli kat Times Pavillion..
lepas tu ingatkan nak pergi terus sebabkan the cousin Meen just reach frm KL, amik dia kat Pudu then terus hantar rumah.. tak naik pun.. straight to Pavillion balik.. as we are watching AVATAR yeay..!
lepas Movie trus balik as trow he has the
Run !
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