the Usain Bolt's pose.. he managed to finished 12km Run in 1hr 12mins.. well his Personal Best.. go dear.. u can do better.. this is his 3 rd attempt in a Running Event .. alhamdulillah.. another Medal in the collection..

since malas nak arrange the pics.. so lets hear the story below..
My year end leave started 19th Dec.. esoknya Ahad 20th Dec pukul 5am dah siap.. it's another running day for myDear..

breakfast @ McD Bangsar.. coffee sebab mata tak boleh buka pagi2 ni.. hari kerja pun tak bangun seaawal ni kan.. ni nama je cuti..
Lps bfast terus gerak ke Bukit Kiara , smpai awal sebab kalau lwat susah nak parking..

6.30 am dah ramai giler org sebab the race starts at 7am.. by thsi time dah habis warm up etc..

Meen - my anak buah, came all the way frm Ipoh for e race, my Dear & friend Tabira .. all of them also were in the Powerman Event kat Manjung dulu..

the race starts @ 7am, so while they were gone, to kill the time so I hang around & took pics..

dah cerah baru nampak nak amik gambar backdrop semua.. nasib baik tak panas.. still early morning kan..

this is Tadeb.. Tabira's son, Tabira is myDear's friend.. Tadeb is cool.. he was like only 6 years old tau.. tapi dah minat nak tgok all this kind of event..

the event by Malakoff was just okay lah.. kalau nak di comparekan dgn the one yg Mizuno organised , for me the previous one with Mizuno was much better.. ni dgn ngan khemah organiser nothing much & booth sponsors pun tak happening..

lepas habis , we have to rush as the 3 of us have to leave for Ipoh.. masa ni baru 9am.. so dah lapar balik, we went to Chawan Bangsar for a Heavy bfast.. lapar giler..
and that was my Nasi Lemak & teh tarik..

coffee & biscuit.. @ Chawan you have the choice of all coffee.. Kemaman ke.. Kopi Ipoh ke.. semua pun ada..

keropok lekor plak.. like I said.. memang lapar giler..

pisang rebus pulak.. fuhh memang sedap cecah kelapa..

the man discussin e run... and me .. ngantuk giler.. nak gerak ke Ipoh to start the leave.. tapi satu apa pun tak packing lagi.. arghh..
lepas makan gerak balik rumah & packed for the long leave..
lama tak jumper pisang rebus cicah kelapa, tringin pulak
aduh..those foods is killing me..lambat lg nk dpt rase ni
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