Was down with bad migraine the whole day yesterday.. tgok AJL pun sambil terbaring.. cam weng weng jer..

AJL? need I comments more ? dah jesnuh baca review live via Twitter etc.. so , I've no more comments..
my fav of course YUNA & HUJAN.. but for Best Performance Aizat deserved it.. simple & happenning..
the overall result.. for me YUNA's deserved to win.. but looking @ the judges.. plus e song ada tribute to Yasmin etc.. well nuff said..

oh ya.. I've just got this.. new year cum belated bday gift frm me sista.. best giler.. knowing my craziness towards e Saga.. so this journal will complete part of it..

Smlm I was @ Kg Kota, sekejap jer.. sampai just nice for lunch.. lepas lunch .. makan byk giler.. terus kena migraine.. tisor tak lena.. at last jaga at 5pm.. terus pergi toilet & muntah..
nak kata angin pun mungkin gak.. the morning I had late bfast.. pas tu amik mee plak..tak mkn nasi.. lunch pun abit late.. maybe lah kot..

pas muntah terus okay sikit kepala rasa ringan sket.. minum petang tu lite lite jer.. terpaksa amik milo..

mlm tgok AJL pun sambil baring.. entah camana pening balik.. gerak balik KL around 1230 midnite.. sampai umah dah nak pukul 2am.. terus tidor tak sedar dah..

woke up kul 630am pagi tadi sebab somebody is working tday.. I'm still on leave..

this Journal was brought back by my bro sebab dia settle hal2 dia pindah semalam...

so today pas myDear pergi kerja, sambung balik tidor.. sedar2 dah 1130am.. barulah Im free from the Migraine thingy..
to reward meself.. I had aGraet Lunch kat MV tadi dgn 3 beautiful peeps.. hey.. u guys knew who u are..
Thanks to Nana fore lunch.. and esok start kerja balik.. aduh malasnya....
1 comment:
have a good rest yer...
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