When everybody were talking about MJ's ceremony , funeral etc...
My company received sad news early morning yesterday..
I was @ Subang Jaya for a Meeting, when the Boss sadly informed the news.
Mr AMR , one of our Director frm one outlet, met with a tragic accident , plus everybody in the car ( 4 of them in 1 car ), are the Commitee Team.. it's part of the team.. they were the strong people from the company..
Mr AMR was in critical condi yeaterday.. he was such a nice guy...I met him 2 days ago during the Red Meeting..
Later in the afternoon, we got the worst news for the day.. one of the guys Mr Kerry the Division Manager , passed away.. it was really the news that we would not want to hear..
The 3 of them was still warded at this hour.. Miss Tim the Boss secretary has been trasferred to KL, while Mr AMR was still in Jerantut...
Lets pray for them & the family..
sad to hear that...semoga keadaan bertambah baik
the boss is in Sime Darby MC now, and Mr Kerry - the funeral will be trow..:(
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