Sebenarnya byk gambar n entry dlm draft.. tak tau mana yg nak didulukan..
myDear ada tugas kat JB sebenarnya.. dan dalam masa yg sama ada Ride .. yer..sekarang ni asyik Ride jer..

pagi tuh we all bangun kul 5.30am.. siap2 lepas subuh terus pergi early Breakfast @ mamak
Barkath Bukit Jalil... semangat tuh..

pukul 7am kitorang dah trun bawah.. get ready sebab the cars yg nak bwk kitorang dah nak sampai.. 2 keta ajer yg di pakai sebabnya those car ada carrier nak letak beskal.. Ours nan ado :(
abg syaban - the guy in blue yg tgh naikkan beskal atas keta dia.. the carrier on the top of the car boleh letak 3 bike sekali .....

the guy wearing cap is
abg Karim, he drives another car.. his car ada carrier but can only fits one bike.. the guy in white is Abg Syaaban's sons.. he'll be the driver as after the guy will start to ride tgah2 jalan nanti..

me at the back of abg Karim's car.. that's his bike.. mahal tuh...

ni kat Petrol station..

stop kat
Dengkil for Bfast.. abg Karim & family belum bfast lagi.. they will start the ride from here - Dengkil..

this is Abg Syaaban's bike.. giler mahal nih.. google
BBS, and you'll figure it out from there..

this is myDear's bike.. :)

abg Karim's bike..

he's ready to go.. his first long distance ride... excited tu.. semalam dah susah nak tidor...he.. he..

that's me.. btw both abg karim & abg syaaban's wifey pun will follow by car.. that's why I tak beria sgt nak bergaya.. he.. he.. seganlah..they also bring along their kids.. ada 3 org budak kecik ikut..

all set to go lepas salin baju semua..

last minute checking the bike.. it will be along journey..

they'll start in
Dengkil Selangor - next checkpoint - Teluk Kemang Negeri Sembilan.. !
good luck :)
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