Sunday is the Engagement day - officially of AIDAH my anak sedara , the first cucu of my pak & mak mentuo..
The one & only child for my Bro in law Along & Kak Long .. she's very2 special to us.

Carrot cake - brought by Kak Sha - she's my Bang Tam's wife - myDear punye 3rd bro's punye wife..

Kak Long in blue - hugging the soon to be " besan " , while Along tgok dari jauh.. the guests datang only the 7th of them in 2 cars..

they are very2 nice people.. alhamdulillah.. susah nak cari org2 mcm ni..
View from atas, because all of us the ladies duduk kat atas ..
myDear capturing the whole event..
The other family dtg ngan anak dia & their cucu.. and his sister & in law.. very small family..
Arrangement etc.. simple jer.. like I said they are very2 nice people..

the lovely Ring case & very2 beautiful ring inside the case..

myDear is locating them tuh..

Arrangement etc.. simple jer.. like I said they are very2 nice people..
the beautiful tepak sireh..

This is the 3rd ring for Aidah if I tak silap..
The rombongan meminang is there, both family pun ada.. but mana bakal pengantin???
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