On Sunday awal2 pagi ( 9.30am.. tak lah pagi mana) dah keluar rumah.. walaupun mata susah nak buka sebab the nite before lepak Pelita Bangsar pai pukul 3.. :-(
Lepas breakfast gerak terus ke Setiawangsa , rumah Along the eldest in myDear's family..
Not much things to be done semuanya dah ready.... rupanya diaorg dah prepare breakfast.. pak mentua I dah keluar cari nasi dagang..
Me at the kitchen, sebab Kak Long my sis in law dah keluar pergi Semua House.. ada lagi brg tak cukup.. TODAY is Kak Long's very special day..
By this time Kak Wan ( in blue tudung ) - Kak Long's cousin dah dtg to do the last minute touch up..
Kak Lang - my second sis in Law pun tolong2 gak.. bab2 ni memang I tak pandai..

My dear still makan lagi nasi dagang walaupun tadi dah makan nasi lemak..

That's Mira - my sis in law no 2 -Kak Lang punye bibik.. she was sent earlier to help , next is Achik Senah , my auntie.. MIL punye adik.. dia ikut omak montua den dtg KL.. amik.. dah kuar cakap nogoghi.. and at the Back is El Zizie , kakak Ipar I - Kak Long punye adik..

Hantaran dah ready...utk pihak lelaki..

Glasses ready for the guests..

Some of the plates kat main table..

My BIL - Along by this time keluar kejap, so while waiting.. my Dear lepak kejap kat depan.. all the cooking etc.. dah dibuat earlier kat rumah mak Kak Long at Keramat.. so just bring to Setiawangsa & hidang jer..

This is the door gifts for the guests.. cookies - chocolate cookies dlm butterfly box..

Achik is helping me.. masa ni my MIL pening2 pulak.. masuk tidur kejap..

the cookies..

the gift..
By 2pm semua dah siap.. terus mandi .. the guests are coming at 3pm ..
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