Aha.. that's the bakal pengantin.. he.. he..
tapi both of them view the whole engagement ceremony via web cm.. huh.. hu..
soo cool..

they were with us dari awal pagi.. imagine kat sana subuh2 buta , both of them dah ready.. even our dear Aidah siap berbaju kurung...he.. he..

see.. susah payah Kak Long bawak the laptop to each of the hantaran so that budak 2 org tuh dpt view the whole thing.. best kan??

masa ni both parents posing bcos the two of them nak snap gambar thru the laptop.. via webcam.. cute :-).. andd see Iz's father on the line the whole ceremony sebab audio tak berapa clear.. so that they see us thru the laptop but the voice thru the phone..

makan time just after both of then dah tgok semua hantaran..

my kak long on the phone with both of them..
me.. happy that the guest enjoying the food...

myDear with the brothers.. tgah lepak.. waiting for Australian Open Live..

Lepas semuanya selesai.. the fathers having some chat.. the guy in green is Iz's bro in law..

Se.. that kak long trying to adjust the lappy so that both of them can see the guest going back ..
gigih kan kak long.. hu.. hu..

a very big family.. very happy guests..

see.. budak berdua tu jealous.. so another shot with both of them tru the lappy.. ha.. ha..

kak long & auty Melor yg very2 sporting , best & very cantik...

my niece Hanini still holding the lappy so that they can see the family balik..

myDear.. still capturing everything..

both of us.. tired but happy for both of them..
both of the will only be coming back 3 weeks before the wedding..
so that means all of us kena tolong kak long to prepare for the wedding..

so more & more meeting soon.. insyaallah the wedding will be in July..
dear Iz.. welcome to the family..:-)
so unique!
cool amat with them nengok thru webcam tu!
woww! 1st time i dgr camni..nothing is impossible kan..apepun all the best for the preparation!
imagine they were on the line thru phone the whole ceremony.. so excited tgok kitorang.. esp the food...:-(
my kak long nak ensure the one & only her lil girl tak miss her big event.. hu.. hu..
the kind of wonders technology can do kan? so sweet tgk the couple
thanks liza..memang sweet pun..
happy for them..
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