Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pavillion .. Cinique .. The Loaf..

I woke up a bit early..
Sebabnya excited nak keluar shopping ngan my dear..
Singgah and had our Lunch kat Kg Baru..
Reach Pavillion at 1pm.. byk benda nak beli..
Normally we do ou shopping once a month jer..
means shop for baju, shoes , make up etc...

I headed to my regular Clinique shop..
If u r a Clinique user.. for me dah setahun lebih I used Clinique..
I'll suggest u get yours from Pavillion..
cos this is the only stand alone shop at KL..
Yg lain just a counter kan.. so you can have very personal consultant gitu..
Got my usual things Loose Powder & Foundation dah habis..
Mosturizer pun dah "rapat"bak kata EJ.. so sekalilah..
Dulu I pakai campur2.. but now I'm stick to Clinique jer..
Except for Make up.. I still used Mac.. and Benefit..
Semalam pun I book my Cathy the Consultant for facial esok..

Dah letih jalan.. had our Drinks at The Loaf..

My dear.. cam dah berisi sket kan..
I suka The Loaf not only becos of the Danish & roti dia yg sedap2..

also sebab the Drinks kat Sini.. sgt sedap.. even the simple Ice Tea..
plus tempat lepak dia yg so cozy..
Lepas kenyang we all sambung balik jalan..
Need to buy shoes..


pearl'E.J said...

ok la tu kalau sesuai clinique dgn u yang.. ej tak sesuai lakk... huhuu.. tak tau nape, mebe salah pilih jenisnya tu kot kann dulu...

Mulan said...

itulah.. , minat gak Clarins tapi takut tak sesuai.. lgpun clinique murah jer..

MOLY said...

lily pun pakai clinique gak .. kalau nak kire almost 1 year ++ .. mmg puas hati

nnt next time nak membeli brg clinique leh try kat pav plak


Mulan said...

yer.. kat pavillion ada privacy sket.. layanan memang best..