Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Losing More Sleep..

12 days more to go before the World Cup comes to the end... at this moment I'm watching the 2nd time re-run of the match Spain vs Portugal.. good huh ? Well done.. I'm nothing against Portugal or Ronaldo, but some of CR fans made fun of England loss previously.. so, now its my turn.. ahakks...

****David Villa is the man again.. ahakks... he.. he..

Spain was the last one to qualify to Quarter Final ytday, and the same goes to fellow Spaniard Rafael Nadal.. the match that The one and only I miss last 2 days.. dah tak tahan nak tunggu dah pukul 2am sbb has to wake up early pagi tu..

****Nadal moved to Quarted Final .. yeay !!

Anyway it's the Quarter Final Day today and hopefully all well ends well for Nadal as vs Soderling is not an easy match..

Sah2 match pukul 2am lagi nih.. losing more sleep !!!

okay, lately things not working that well for me.. some good news bout other people that has been spread around , might not be that "good" to others .. huh ??

I wish I could share the "joy" too, but.. I'm not sure.. too complicated to write or to be explained ? No ?

Just a reminder to all of you.. your sooo "GOOD NEWS" that u wanna share.. might not made everybody happy ..

Just think of others as much as you're thinking about u .. No ? Make sense ? Hmm...

1 comment:

Liza said...

spain is my choice for the champion though the african bomoh predicting argentina