Okay , confessions.. I'm not a full time blogger, or even part time ke.. I blog sesuka hati..
I'm not also a Profesional Photographer / Part Time.. just that I love taking pics.. and that's why I was given the
camera last year .. and last months .. I was been suprised again when he came back and bought me an additional flash & a 50MM lens !!! woo hooo!!!!!!

the 50mm lens mainly for Taking Pic - close up , faces camtu.. atau muka org secara dekat.. yes it is..

terus dok testing2.. sana sini.. amateur lagi ni...

Nor & Adam's wed ceremony cards.. pun jadi bahan nak snap...

my excited face yg nak senyum pun dah susah sebab masa ni dok try an error.. muka dah nak tidor as when he came back , I was sibluk dok ber FB.. so terus jadi model terkejut - muka - nak tidor tu..

okay these are some of the photoshoot that we did in the house at nite .. selalunya before keluar for dinner.. this one masa nak keluar ke Mid Valley..

okay lah walaupun I felt that my pose macam sama jer.. boring punya model ni... tak sempat lagi nak tiru pose2 yg gempak 2 tu kan.. haruslah kena google balik Next American Top Model pose kot..ha.. ha.. giler la plak pas ni..

I love this one.. terus tukar kat FB Profile pics.. terasa cam
Jemah plak.. asyik tukar Profile Pic lepas Laloque beli DSLR..

cubaan myDear sementara menunggukan model murahan bersiap..

another try jugak.. walaupun masih tak puas...

cam tak berapa puas hati kan... so, memandangkan lately busy dgn kerja, French Open , wedding etc.. tak habis lagi to explore the new lens and flash.. but thanks to him.. he knew what is the best for me.. ha.. ha..
ok time for more wish and a longer wishlist pls...!!!!!!!!!!!!
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