Just after reach home around 4pm myDear called cakap ajak jumpa kat Mid V.. ada brg pulak nak cari.. oklah.. layan jer... kul630pm keluar & jumpa balik kat MV.. janji kul 7pm.. sesampai myDear takde lagi.. jammed dr Damansara..

so, terus pergi Toast Box @ Mid Valley.. minum petang dulu, since lapar giler dahlah hujan pulak..
my favourite kat Toastbox Toast Bread butter & jam.. selalunya kopitiam Butter & Kaya kan, tapi kalau kat Toast Bread ada jam strawberry.. sedap :) roti bakar kat sini sedap sgt..

the good taste of Toast Box toast bread..
sesampai jer myDear terus dia bawak ke kedai Kamera... mula2 cam tak faham... then..
yahooooooooooooooooooo.... and lepas pusing sana sini.. yess.... he's buying me the DSLR camera...

yeas , make it short, that's the NIKON's.. he.. he.. yg murah jer.. beginner punya.. dia tau that I love taking photos , updating my FB.. so, I never expected that dia really take it seriously my hobby tu..
before this ngan Camera Olympus tu dah too many moments that I captured in short period..
then masa Zurie the sister came back frm US masa raya , he did borak ngan the bro in law Zurie's hubby about the camera thingy sebab Nizam lagi giler camera.. dah beribu habis for lens etc...

so, there I was.. tak tau nak cakap apa.. so excited.. actaully he wanted to suprise me for the bday in 2 weeks.. .. tapi dia sendiri dah tak sabar.. so it's my bday present in advance.. he.. he.. :)
thank you.. & I love u.. he.. he.. dpt hadiah terus luv u kan...

the boss of the shop Mr Ong yg serve us and dia sgtlah helpful & friendly.. actually myDear dah dtg kedai ni senyap2 last week dah... so dah survey habis2 before he brings me.. hmm..

so, that was my new gadget.. wee... suka giler... :)

Brendan dok explain itu ini but my mind dah melayang dah...happy sangat antara dengar dan tak dengar jer.. he.. he..

that's the tripod f.o.c.. among the other f.o.c yg dapat ada benda2 lain.. this is a basic DSLR camera.. wah nak type DSLR pun terketar.. he.. he.. so, I tak expect nak upgrade apa2 lagi as there;s so many things yet to explore...

that's the happy me with the advanced bday presents...

thanks to my husband for suprising ME... & I really love it... speechless... :) dah berejam kat kedai tu baru gerak nak dinner...cam selalu pergi Belanga @ Gardens..

his nasi kerabu ker dagang.. tak ingat..

I only makan nasi lemak bungkus.. that's me.. kalau dah EXCITED sangat tak terasa lapar.. tak selera nak makan...

before balik, ada promo kat depan Metrojaya MV.. Polo Black... so that's the only thing that he nak cari for that day..sebab masa promo ni dapat so many freebies.. he..he.. so sgtlah untung..

dapat bag , miniature , body foam, shower gel etc... byk giler.. lagipun dah nak tutup kaunter masa nih..

the guy yg berjaya influence him to buy Polo Black.. before this selalu pakai yg lain jer.. but since nak try new perfume, so he give Polo Black a try...
anyway... my mind still melayang masa nih, dah tak ingat apa dah... ingat NIKON jer...
sampai rumah.. terus charge & start shooting.. I LOVE MY ADVANCE BDAY PRESSIE cum my NEW TOY....................:)
wah bestnye dapat hadiah...me guna ricoh gx200 jek..memula tringin nak beli dslr tapi huhuhuhu dah my sweety bagik yg nih...amik jek arrr org dah bagik kan but me sayang gak..anyway..heppi advance birthday..hehehehe
Salam dear...
baru nak belajar ni.. but trust me you'll enjoying it to the max...
tks for the wish :)
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