Monday, May 10, 2010

the Party , the Family event..

the house sampai ke tangga dah ready in RED.. yes, the Bday Bash theme was RED this time.. so that's why lah semuanya in RED.. ni pun hasil discussion tru FB lah..
kalau tak disebabkan Raya , Kenduri atau apa2 event , susah nak berkumpul the whole Family, walaupun 3 of us kat KL, and my eldest sister jer kat Ipoh, tapi tahulah, not all weekend semuanya free.. ada jer event memasing..

esp my brother.. he's the youngest in the Family , the Big Guy dlm MU shirt at the back tu.. tapi e wife org Tganu , so weekend selalunya they were away.. btw , they r expecting the second baby soon.. alhamdulillah...

the host .. main sponsor .. is Angah my sec sister, she was the one initiated the RED Bday Bash..;) thanks Angah for the hospitality.. Hanna in RED Osh Kosh gown tu memang susah nak tgok camera..
Kak A, my first sister another main sponsor .. the one with the idea of PINATA too.. with lil girl in Red Burberry gown Aleesya.. her bday was in March , same ngan my mom.. beza 3 hari jer..
my mom, celebrating her 66th Bday.. :) dah letih masa ni yelah melayan cucu2 semua berkumpul ngan anak menantu lagi.. memang dah riuh dah...

at her age of 66th ,alhamdulillah, she's free from any illness semua. Luv u mama !!
my Abah , jarang dia keluar lam blog atau FB.. he.. he.. low profile tuh.. he will be 68th this coming Sept insyaallah.. and he too , alhamdulillah, free from any major illness ke apa.. cuma kdg2 demam / batuk jer.. love my Abah so much.. I inherited a lot from him.. the looks esp.. !
the Ladies in RED !!!! Me, sisters, sister in law, me mom, anak2 buah.. and oppss Didi menyelit tuh.. he.. he.. look at Aleesya , still ngan crown..he.. he... and Mia , was busy with my iphone playing games..
the house , dah ready for the party..
me , myDear & parents and anak buah yg menyelit . Adam & Didi, partner in crime..
kalau dah bedua... havoc jadinya...
the whole Family is celebrating their bday in the RED Bash Bday !!!!
Hanna, being so excited when all the balloons released.. he.. he.. cute kan.. memang susah nak captured gambar dia pose elok2.. I guess sbb dikelilingi the 3 brothers yg memang hebat tu.. that made her not and ordinary lil baby girl..
okay, dapat jugak tangkap her.. but see, memang dia tkan pose to the camera...
the boys's close frens dah start datang dah.. while waiting for the rest of the frens...
Adam with the mask !! enjoying himself...
the boys is having fun.. best kan jadi budak 2 the party was a bang to them ...
all balloons released that means the party has started !!!!

the RED Bday Bash is officially launched !

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