I reach my sister's house pagi tu dgn segala macam cake2 tu.. he.. he..
The Bday Bash tu buat kat my second si house kat Puncak Alam, so my first sis dari Ipoh semalam dah sampai dah...

lepas bfast nasi lemak my om.. ( bfast wajib !!! kalau pergi sana ) terus settlekan brg2 for the goodie bags for the kids.. buat tak banyak pun sebab tak jemput ramai sangat.. its more to family gathering and jemput the boys punya kawan yg rapat jer..

some of the stuffs for the goodie bag..

Aleesya with her crown.. he.. he.. susah betul dia ni nak senyum kalau bergambar tau...

sample of the Goodie Bag.. the bag we bought at Party @ World Ikano tuh.. the fillin tu memacam jenis sweets & chocs.. best gilerr

the 2 lil girl trin to help lah konon kan... by this time my mom dok sibuk memasak rendang kat dapur... one of the main dish nasi impit & rendang...

lolypop is inj the goodie bag juga.. so this is consider testing time la jugak ni.. he.. he..

Pirates Goodie Bag ready for pick up ..

party pack for the kids.. memacam ada , semua letak kat atas meja tu...

okay, more goodie bags for the boys ...

Luqman just came back from school, ada extra class on Saturday.. looking at the goodie bags and all the party packs etc.. dia dah excited giler dah...

Hanna with the balloons.. after done with the goodie bags , start meniup belon plak.. sib baik tak byk.. dan the boys helping out pun...

Aleesya yg tak berenggang ngan mak nya...

the balloons yg dah siap , kena quarantine, but both girls can't resist it...

Hanna sneak peak at the balloons...

Aleesya , mengantuk tapi nak jugak main belon2 tu..

done with the baloon, time to fill up the PINATA with sweets, candies & chocolate... this is the best part...

Adam yg tangan masih berbandage.. the day before dia jatuh kat sekolah, then had to suffer 9 stitches.. sib baik tak apa apa.. tapi bila dah jumpa geng.. lupa semua..

the livin room dah start to be decorated.. simple jer..

Mia yg baru sampai.. so bertambah riuhlah jadinya...
alhamdulillah , everybody made it for the Family Inaugural Bday Bash 2010, its just a smakk family gatherin ;)
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