Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Gift For Mom..

Dah semua selesai, my mom with her Bday Card & the gift that we gave her...

the best part about my mom, dia memang susah nak mintak apa2 dari anak dia, apa saja dia nak she'll buy on her own diam2, so at times kita tak tau pun apa she really wants..

even if you gave her money, dia akan ended up bought things for the house kat kg , that will benefit everybody.. mcm heater kat bilik airlah, upgrade kitchen cabinet lah... nothing for her..

so, that's why all of us selalu will buy her things, cos you know that she'll never ask from you...

kalau tak for the house, dia akan beli pulak brg2 utk cucu lah....

hope she really like the ring from Habib, cantik sangat & I love it too.. he.. he..
spending the time with the cucu is what she loves best despite berkebun...

one thing that I tak dapat ikut dia is berkebun.. I guess none of us pun...
her touch that apa pokok yg dia tanam bunga ke, pokok buah ke.. mesti menjadi punya... then bila dia bagi kat kitorang, esp me.. alamat pendeklah nyawa pokok tu.. huh..

she always told me that kena selalu bercakap dgn pokok.. talk to them.. aiyoo.. mama, manalah ada masa kan.. selalunya tgok pun masa pergi dan balik kerja je.. itulah masalahnya...

Hanna & my mom now ni dah rapat & gang.. kalau my mom masuk bilik... nanti she will come , knocking the room & checking opah dia wat apa.. he.. he.. cute kan..
Meera & Hanna dok sibuk nak naik basikal, that was Meera's bicycle, tapi since dia dah besar, susah plak nak bawak the bike dah.. Hanna plak rasa she's big enough nak naik sorang 2.. he.. he..
the girl in Red & Pink.. so sweet...

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