Lepas jogging petang Sabtu last week , terus lepak kat Steven's Corner Ampang.. tak ramai org sini, so sedap sikit nak lepak..

need training for this coming Sunday.. so last week memang berpulun training.. this week busy, dan jugak KL ni memanjang hujan jer.. camana nak run petang petang..

sampai kat Steven's dedua org pun lapar.. tak lunch lagi sebenarnya, pagi pulak bfast sket jer..
so , good thing about the Steven's Corner , u will be spoil with choices, roti canai , mee goreng.. and here I suka dia punya Nasi Goreng Kampung.. sedap..

lapasr giler and cant made his decision..

Steven's claimed that they had the Best Teh Tarik In Town... but dia punya Teh Tarik pun sedap gak..

the half boiled eggs dia okay.. I suka yg jenis camni, keras sikit.. simply loved it..

lepas makan semua , cepat2 gerak balik sebab ada hal nak ke Mid Valley pulak.. semalam tak sempat nak settle, so hari ni kena pergi lagi ke Mid V..

Firts stop kat Coach @ Gardens sebabnya nak amik my bag, it was send for cleaning last month..
yes, kalau nak cleaning - kena queue as they'll do hand cleaninn not by maschine, so tgok boutique & depends berapa ramai org.. so this time it tooks me 1 month..
btw it's foc , as long u bought it in any on the Coach Boutique , mine was purchased kat Pavillion , but since tak ada masa nak gagah ke Pavillion tu, hantar jer @ Gardens..

the bags dah ready :) masa ni tgah tunggu dia adjust the scarf.. don't ask me how to tie the scarf.. takkan jadi macam dia org buat punya..
my bag's cleaning was done by Anas.. thanks dear.. dah cuci dah macam baru giler.. :) i love the bag so much.. dah nearly 2 tahun setengah the bag is with me and it still looks good..

after signing the form etc.. terus gerak naik atas Gardens.. somebody is collecting his Iphone.. he.. he..
At last.. after 2 years trying to convince him to switch to IPHONE... from his Sony Ericson yg dah 2 kali hantar service tuh...

Maxis centre @ Gardens.. yg sepanjang masa ramai org...

the Iphone can be collected after 1 month booking.. tu pun kira cepat tu, selalunya tunggu 45 days..

lepas checking & confirm warranty etc, terus gerak ke Machines Store - kedai yg jual accessories Apple & all sorts of Gadget...

hard luck , brg yg dicari tak ada.. he's looking for cam arm band , tapi wrap kat bahu to put Iphone masa running or cycling... dah habis at the moment...
so, just put the screen protector & terus turun bawah ... time for Dinner.. lapar giler dah...
what a Saturday... oh ya pics all from my Iphone jer.. tak explore lagi masa nih..
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