I reach home semalam at 5pm.. selepas seharian berpanas or can I say 2 hari berpanas di Lumut & Sri Manjung..

yes, it was the MALAKOFF event of the year.. the event that most of the peeps are waiting for..
I'm there to support myDear & frens.. it was myDear maiden ride there...

we were there for one nite jer.. like the rest of the clans too.. reach Sri Manjung at noon Saturday... and left at Noon on th enext day...

under the hot damn hot sun.. dgn tak bertopi, as I really don't feel comfortable with caps.. so my skin dah terbakar giler.. really terbakar..
nearly 8 hours under the sun @ Bdr Sri Manjung yg panas giler.. god I miss the wet KL..
I was sleepin the moment the car started the journey baack to KL.. sedar2 dah sampai exit Sg Buloh..
will update more after.. at the moment need to continue back my sleep..
have a good rest...
KL dah mcm kat genting sejuks jer
yatie, sawanila.com
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