kalau lewat habis due to meeting ker apa, brg2 dah ready dlm beg terus bawak simpan dalam keta..
Rafiq was there too, tapi kalau dia out station tak ada lah..kalau dia ada best sikit nak borak2 gelak.. yg lain tu , apart from Anwar the coach..cam segan2 jer kalau I 'm there.. sebab selalunya I'm the only one pempuan kat situh...
dia kalau dah start main memang tak pandang kiri kanan dah...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Weekly Tennis..
Wednesday is the tennis day.. sejak he started the Tennis thingy, baru sekali rasanya..
jer miss the sessions.. sgt commited la pulak...hari Rabu jer.. boleh sampai awal pulak ablik kerja .. tak nak lewat sikit pun.. 8.00pm tepat nak sampai kat court .. tak sempat nak dinner dulu pun.. so selalunya late dinner on Wed..
Saturday, June 27, 2009
MJ is the one and only King of Pop...

Yesterday was a sad day kan...
I woke up late semalam sebab pukul 4am baru balik due to Transformer.. so by the time bangun I realised there's an sms from my sis..
"MJ was reported dead .." send at 7.30am.. sigh.. terdiam I sekejap..
he left us at the age of 50.. sad.. really I am..
for those youngsters.. they don't really feel it..
for those at the age of mine.. I membesar with his song...
when we were kids.. we were already lstening to English song sebab my Dad he really loves music.. he listen to Tina Charles, Shirley Bassey , Air Supply..
and me at the age of 6 years old dah followed my sisters listening to Beatles , Air Supply and even ABBA.. those are the days that we start listen to Music..
so when I was in secondary school .. during the 80's, and in 1982 that's the time that RTM2 dah starts showing Grammy award walaupun delay telecast.. those were the days that I started to get Crazy towards MJ... tipulah kalau zaman tuh tak gilakan MJ..
My sister starts to Buy Cassete of Grammy Award , we started to get to know other artiste like Sheena Easton, Billy Joel etc... and that's the starting for us to explore the international Artiste.. imean Duran Duran , Scorpions etc..for those who were at that years.. you guys knew how it feels masa tuh...
MJ is the King of Pop those days.. the rest is history..
Growing up with MJ's music.. I really love his songs, MTV etc.. everything just great..
Remember the Time was my fav song & musiv videos.. and of course Dangerous is definitely my Fav album of all time..
but still Beat It, Thriller , Bille Jean will always remain special to me..
think of only the good things...
think of all the good music that he left us...
think of a him as a legend.. a star.. :(
may he rest in peace..
Michael JACKSON is the one and only King of Pop.. :(
Friday, June 26, 2009
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen .. simply awesome :)
GSC Mid Valley @ 12 midnite..
giler penuh ramai org.. dahlah hari biasa.. esok kerja tau..
Ini semua penangan Transformer 2...
we were there also :) semalam.. dah berhari plan nak pergi tak dapat.. iyalah.. Wednesday kan Tennis day..:( so tak boleh nak pergi...
nak beli popcorn pun queue giler.. sib baik baru lepas makan nasi lemak kat Pantai Dalam.. so dah full dah.. sampai pun ngam2 jer kul 12.. show 1230midnite.. nak carik parking kat atas tuh.. hazab giler.. full...
giler penuh ramai org.. dahlah hari biasa.. esok kerja tau..
Ini semua penangan Transformer 2...
selama 2 jam lebih kat dalam tu not even ada kesempatan nak blink an eye.. it was just great..
habis dah dekat 3am.. lapar pulak , so we headed to MC D.. ada org mengidam lak nak MC D subuh2 buta ni.. anyway, MC D time2 camni best giler.. tak ada org..
he had filet & i had fries jer.. tak lapar sgt.. lebih ke mengantuk.. ..
not at the moment sebab we have planned to watch it again next week.. ha.. ha.. tak pernah dibuat tgok wayang 2 kali... yes.. betul.. tak puas....
if you haven't watch it yet.. go & get ur tix... worth waiting movie of the year...:)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Stephen King @ the Bike Boutique again..
At last sampai jugak ke Mutiara Damansara, myDear dropped I @ the Curve, sebab dia ada meeting jap.
ada Barbie fair macam tu masa ni.. see the giant Pink heels ? cute giler kan..
the whole event was focusing on the Barbie Doll itself.. lately ni macam suka pulak lepak The Curve, walaupun tak byk kedai yg ada kat sini.. compared to KLCC , tapi nak lepak rasanya lagi best lah dari KLCC yg sesak dgn manusia...
KLCC is really u need to shop something lah.. nak jalan2 rilex rasanya cam dah tak sesuai...
sebab baru lepas lunch , so lepak kat Teh Tarik Special - makan pisang goreng - 3pcs for RM3.. sambil tu nak start my new book - Stephen King Goes to Movie.. this book is compilation sof few SK's punya stories yg dah published to a Movie..
yes.. I'm a die hard fan of Stephen King & John Grisham Books..
myDear dtg after afew hours.. terus gerak ke.... yes the Bike Boutique again... hari tu dah pergi tapi tutup kan..
Bike Boutique.. located areanya kat area Damansara Perdana, building Baru Metropolitan Square , btw ada Citibank tau kat Metropolitan Square ni..
TBB ada 2 floor, ground floor utk display bicycle , ada very cozy place to lepak with all sorts of magazines form Cleo to all the Bike thingy lah.. ada big area for you to bring ur bike to check repair etc...
some of the helmets that they have...
this is the first floor, so kat atas ni all the apparel , accesories etc, semua ada kat sini.. sgtlah cantik TBB ni semua in pink..
tak banyak sgt barang.. but the things here , u might not get it at other shops..

nice display huh??
harga , tak lah mahal sgt.. like I said brg2 kat sini tak dapat kat kedai lain..
Opening hours
Contact numbers Tel: (+60) 3 77277 824 Fax: (+60) 3 77277 824
TBB ni dah masuk tahap international, the store even ada kat oversea...
Unit W105, Level 1, West Wing Metropolitan Square,
Jalan PJU 8/1 Bandar Damansara Perdana
47820 Petaling Jaya Selangor D.E., Malaysia (Next to Citibank Damansara Perdana Branch)
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday: 10:30hrs to 20:00hrs
Sunday: Closed
Contact numbers Tel: (+60) 3 77277 824 Fax: (+60) 3 77277 824
for further info click here
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Visit to Le Run & Quit Smoking ..
Entry kini dan seterusnya akan penuh dengan cerita cerita basikal.. tak taulah sampai bila kan...
Lat week ke last 2 weeks , I'm not working & myDear ada hal nak ke Damansara , so ingat on the way nak lunch again late lunch kat Bawang Merah Subang Jaya..

walaupun perut lapar, sempat lagi singgah ke Le Run @ Subang ni.. aduhh.. selagi tak dapat helmet yg dia suka macamnilah...
mungkin masa ni office hours , so tak ramai org kat kedai ni..
banyak basikal kat kedai ni.. bebudak ni pun dah biasa dgn myDear - that means dah berapa byk kali before this dia dah dtg kedai ni...
Lat week ke last 2 weeks , I'm not working & myDear ada hal nak ke Damansara , so ingat on the way nak lunch again late lunch kat Bawang Merah Subang Jaya..
walaupun perut lapar, sempat lagi singgah ke Le Run @ Subang ni.. aduhh.. selagi tak dapat helmet yg dia suka macamnilah...
kedai ni jugak kenal my Bro in law.. huh.. kecik betul komuniti dia org yg berbasikal ni..
sampai Bawang Merah , dah tak ramai org.. sebab dah around 2.30pm dah.. kalau tak besesak jugaklah kat sini...
cam biasa kalau dtg sini , makan lauk masak lemak dia.. sedap tau.. dan jugak hati masak hitam.. best..
desert for the day - bubur gandum.. desert dia sentiasa berubah, camtu jugak dia punya daily special etc...
dan juga buat pertama kalinya selepas bertahun dtg Bawang Merah ni, dapatlah peluang duduk kat dalam - ada aircond..selalunya kena duduk luar.. sebabnya:- HE HAS STOPPED SMOKING..
masuk hari ni dah nak masuk 3 minggu.. he,, he,, thanks to all the bicycle ride.. sejak2 dia sibuk naik basikal he decided to STOP SMOKING.. he.. he.. setakat ni okay jer..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tak suka.. yes.. that's it.. siapa yg suka nak jumpa dentist kan... tapi itulah.. sepanjang June ni mcm2 benda yg not really like it happened..:)
early June I had to go to the dentist... dah lama tak pergi tuh.. sebabnya.. nak tak nak terpaksa cabut one of the gigi geraham atas nih.. dah sementelah tu wat scaling sekali... the week punya cerita tuh hazab sgtlah.. yelah dah lama tak g dentist, haruslah berejam..
Cost of cabut gigi geraham & scaling semua sekali RM165.00.. tapi serious yg bestnya tak sakiT langsung masa dia cabut :) thank u Dr Au..
so, the second visit after 1 week kena check lagi mana yg patut.. huh.. huh.. makan yg lembut2 jer lepas habis visit tuh... sebelum tu tak makan apa2 pun..
early June I had to go to the dentist... dah lama tak pergi tuh.. sebabnya.. nak tak nak terpaksa cabut one of the gigi geraham atas nih.. dah sementelah tu wat scaling sekali... the week punya cerita tuh hazab sgtlah.. yelah dah lama tak g dentist, haruslah berejam..
Cost of cabut gigi geraham & scaling semua sekali RM165.00.. tapi serious yg bestnya tak sakiT langsung masa dia cabut :) thank u Dr Au..
the Au Dental Surgery located @ 1st Floor Endah Parade Bandar Baru Sri Petaling.. walaupun Endah Parade ni Mall yg hazab gak, takdemenda sangat.. tapi Au Dental Surgery terselit gak kat situh..
lepas habis visit Dr Au.. lepak Uncle John Kopitiam for brunch sebab dah tengahari.. & also waiting for the rest of member2 dtg lepak.. I'm meeting Liza , Azam , Amer .. omg.. miss u guys already.. :) , nothing can compared my old team :(
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bike Shop Tour
Selepas makan @ Chawan Bangsar, dah mengantuk sikit.. sebab biasalah time2 petang ni, lepas perut kenyang mestilah mengantuk... tapi sebabkan misi nak cari helmet dll brg yg TAK PERNAH CUKUP.. so myDear nak ke TTDI pulak...
sampai kat TTDI , ada kedai KSH Bicycles rasanya, giler ramai org kedai ni.. ni antara kedai yg Top kat area KL ni.. tgok kereta2 parking kat area kedai tu.. semuanya fanatik tuh..
dia ada lagi byk choice of helmets.. rambang mata tu nak pilih... sekarang pun ada helmet dah.. tapi tak taulah .. ada jer tak kena.. ada jer yg nak kena tukar baru...
KSH ni besar gak kedai dia but I think they need to have a BIGGER SHOP.. sebab bila time ramai org serbu.. pack giler...
sebelah kedai dia pulak ada restoran melayu.. tempat dia org ni lepak2 lepas ride, so mcm lepas a long ride, semua akan lepak sini hantar bicycle utk repair etc...sambil lepak kedai sebelah tuh..
kebanyakan staff2 kedai bicycle ni I perasan memang terror giler knowledge dia org.. tanya jer semua tau..

Oh ya.. I lepak sekejap jer kedai ni... terus gerak ke restoran sebelah tu minum sambil baca paper..
banayk giler bicycle dia... dan harga pun boleh tahan lah..
tgok.. bersepah keta2 yg on the top of the car ada bicycle...
so lepas dah survey kat KSH TTDI ni.. gerak ke area Damansara Perdana pulak rasanya.. kat area tu ada kedai bicycle baru.. TBB - The Bike Boutique...
nasib tak baik.. masa ni Public Holiday Bday agung tuh.. so kedai tu tutup la pulak... so , tak puas hati.. tgok dari luar pun jadilah.. kedai ni macam tak byk bicycle sgt.. lebih tempat cam lepak & consultation cum discuss2 kot... tak taulah.. kalau dah masuk baru tau..
Oh ya.. I lepak sekejap jer kedai ni... terus gerak ke restoran sebelah tu minum sambil baca paper..
oh ya, btw that's the Quiksilver walk short ..biasalah.. kalau benda baru tu pantang kering jer terus pakai...sampai dia jemu.. tak caya nanti tgok...:)
so, dah sementelah sampai sini.. terus pergi ke area Uptown Damansara.. ada kedai lagi.. warghh...
ni kedai anak Joo Nga, tak ingat nama kedai.. kat area Uptown.. tapi kedai ni cam mahal sikit lah.. maybe sebab dia dah ada nama Joo Ngan used to be the national Cyclist dulu.. kalau tak tau lah...
nasib baik kat sebelah tuh ada kopitiam.. dah tak sanggup dah nak layan kedai bicycle dah.. cam sama jer...
so, since dia org cakap this is the best nasi lemak kat KL.. siap keluar JJCM, so naklah merasa.. kedai ni just the door from the bike shop...
oh ya, that's the Peaks & Valleys book.. dah habis baca pun.. buku tu best & simple giler.. cam buku motivasi sket lah...
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