Lately sgt2 busy.. as the very2 Important visit by the big2 boss baru je selesai..
So, hari ni baru rilex sket..
That person wants to know what I brought inside the small make up pouch to the office..
Yg selalu I kehulu hilir 2, 3 kali sehari.. he.. he..
Fyi, selalunya if I'm late.. sempat blow rambut & put the foundation jer..
Lepas masuk kerja baru make up bagai..
"Pink " bag is from Lulu - Exclusive @ Robinson.. f.o.c masa beli LULU handbag dulu..
Eye Shadow : 2 colors , Tempting ( alamak , dah nak habis ) and Solar White frm MAC..
yeah.. I knew the boycot2 thing.. but ni semua dah lama dah.. maafkan saya k..
Loose Powder NC3 - also from MAC , on the top MAC Blusher - HIPNESS ( ltd edition FAFI collection..)
Eye liner - Black Liquid from Maybelline - the best pada I sebab tak sememeh ..and last long..
Chanel - Chance Perfume..
MAC - Prep & Prime Skin Base visage - ni utk base make up before letak foundation supaya
long lastinglah pai tengahari..
Lip Gloss - Clinique.. 04- Maxi Melon ( again.. the Brand ).. but this lip gloss my fav plak.. hu.. hu..
Lip Gloss MAC - ni beli masa launching Red Collection tuh..
MAC Lipstick - Real Treasure also from the Red Collection ..
again Benefit Lipstick..
andMaybelline Mascara & brow Liner..
*********Pls ignore the all the brand ..
Well semua tu memang just nice muat dlm the make up pouch yg I angkut kemana saja lah..
I memang suka byk lispstick inside the bag, sebab selalunya mood bertukar..
But semuanya natural and plain rose ker.. not soo Red lah..
Hopefully, dah bayar hutang I to that person..
Yg make up kat rumah.. lain kalilah yer..
me too, dlm makeup pouch, lipsticks of different colours & different brands (yg kena boycott pun ade, dimaafkan pasal tak tau!) semua I angkut coz depends on what colour baju I wear that particular day.
The only thing I really need to learn how to use is the Eyelier - dah 20 tahun I make up but Eyeliner still fail!
jenuh nak hafal ur make-up things :P..
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