This year theme is going to be Wild Wild West.. wahh... at last...
dah bertaun taun aku angankan nak jadi Cowboy ker cowgirl ker..
Last year I was in different Branch.. guess what the theme??
Gothic Nite.. he.. he.. best giler..

Back to Wild Wild West.. I'm incharge of the Location , food , guests etc..
So, due to the changes of the date the venue haven't been decided..
Ni semua sebab my " lady Boss " lah..
oklah.. malas nak cerita pasal Boss aku tuh..

So by next week we are going to confirmed the place..
Harap2 the one that we plan will be okay....
So, what should I wear huh??
Kalau boleh malaslah nak pergi Hartamas - Century Fiesta tuh..
Asal dinner jer.. semua org sewa kat sana..

Some photos dapat dari google of cowgirls costumes..
I love the middle one.. sexy kan..
Aduh.. my dear.. cepatlah balik.. need to go shopping.. nak cari boots..
woww!!!! bestnya theme wild wild west!!... yups, me setuju, yg tengah very d sexy... pakai ler mcm tu laling... malatopppppp!! nanti jgn lupa snap pic bnyk2 tau... :D
wahh... EJ.. thanks... harus snap byk2 kan...
nombor 1 atau nombor 2!
nombor 1 susah nak carik...
mmg meletop abis klau u pick no. 2 tu..auwwww :P
he.. he... mesti staff2 i ingat boss dia buang tebiat..
teringat dulu masa keje kat my old company .. theme we ols wild wild west ..
mmg best gilak !!!!
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