very2 busy today.. had a quick coffee @ a chinese kopitiam with Hisham.. my ex boss..
Next time lah cerita pasal Hisham.. k..
anyway.. kalau lepak ngan dia ni normally kitorang akan gossip dan gossip dan gossip...
bukan mengumpat.. but normally it 'll be about work..
eventhough dia dah boss besar , but I still felt very close to him..
I' ll share things with him more than I shared with my Boss..

Speaking about gossip..
At the moment I baru je start reading.. Gossip Girl the Prequel...
As like most of you... I'm sangat2... addicted to Gossip Girl..
ni semua sebab masa I gi Jakarta Nov last year DVD dia ngah top kat sana.. tu yg borong box. set dia..... lagipun kat sana DVD murah sgt.
So, for let me rest for today.. I need to finished up the book..
the book for those yg belum baca is what happen before the Gossip Girl Season 1..
now ni dah season 2 pun kan..
Okay, you know I love you.. xoxo Gosssip Girl..
hahahaha !!!
lily pun addict gile dengan gossip girl ..
sanggup beli dvd dia ... first season dah lama habis tgk ..
now dok dload second season punya ... tp rasa cam x puas tgk skit2 ... tunggu dvd collection keluar la ..
try nak cari buku dia tuh nnt .. nak baca ...
xoxo !!
he.. he.. let me see.. suka Blair ke Serena? Nate or Dan?? he.. he.. memang best giler kan..
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