Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih..

Syahdunya tajuk kan ? Tapi memang best cerita dia..

Last minute plan, myDear called katanya nak tgok Movie ; cerita Indonesia.. Peliklah sebab dia mmg takkan ajak tgok cerita Melayu punya, Indon movies lagilah..

So bila dia cakap cerita Bila Cinta Bertasbih.. ok.. I get it.. ada tgok kat Status kat kak Melor , my sis in law punya besan .. ada charity screening rasanya..

Movie kat TGV Cap Square KL : my first time sampai kat sana , selama hari ni lalu jer Cap Square ni tak sangka pulak the mall agak happening jugak.. esp kalau nak lepak malam2.. they even have Modesto's there..

Reach on time 830pm.. terus gerak ke Hall 2.. memang full house malam tu.. penuh ngan aunty2 , datin2 sebab malam tu Charity Screening for Yayasan OKU Kelantan.. alhamdulillah kan..

Mlm tu Kak Long & the besan the whole family 6 of them.. me & myDear & also anak buah Hadi & Nini.. 10 of us malam tu duduk satu row.. meriah...!!!
Me & my anak buah Hadi who's trying to look cool..

He.. he.. Kesian dia, trying so hard nak fahamkan cerita tu sbb the bahasa not so Jakarta.. lbh cam Jawa camtu..

So here and there mlm tu penuh Kelantan's women tau.. dengar kecek pun dah tahu.. he.. he.. semua pun giler vogue malam tu.. sbb the charity pun for OKU Kelantan kan..

Okay walaupun movie KCB Part 1 ni was in 2009 , tapi memang tak pernah tahu.. cuma tahu lagu dia jer.. yg sgt sedap by Melly tu kan.. so everything was a new thing to us.. Along , Kak Long & their daughter..

Infact rasanya kalau baca the review, cerita ni tak di screening pun kat Msia ni.. ada pun dlm bentuk DVD jer.. too bad..
Cerita memang best giler !!!! The scenery of Cairo Egypt sebab the story pasal Student Al Azhar.. sangatlah cantik !!!!

Anyway tengah2 sedap2 enjoy the movie : tiba2"to be continued " bukannya "the End ".. warghh... terus dia tunjuk synopsis Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Part 2.. and the screening for the movie KCB Part 2 will be this weekend at TGV KLCC.. and we are not in town.. so arghhhh tensionnnya....!!!!!
Lepas movie terus teruja nak bergmbar semua.. he.. he...

lps keluar movie.. terus giler riuh everywhere here and there semua was like .. hey.. bestnya the movie tapi , tgah sedap2 and tak tau what's the ending.. until you see the Part 2.. Memanglah teruja nak tgok Part2 kan.. itu yg kecoh.. best sangat sampai tak terasa 2 hours dah..

memang riuh masa tu.. semua org like discussing that " you must watch the Part2 ".. he.. he..
Lps movie, terus Along's besan suggest kita gi Supper ke Doraisamy.. jalan kaki lagi.. he.. he.. best gak jalan kaki mlm2 kat KL kan.. kalau org tgok mesti fikir giler betul family ni.. he.. he..

Makan sambil borak again about the movies sebab the guys memang tak layan movies Melayu kan , apatah lg movie Indon.. tapi lepas tgok KCB semua macam suka jer... Nasi lemak bungkus kat Doraisamy memang sedap , walaupun the soup of cos the best kan..

Kalau yg tak tahu, Doraisamy terletak betul2 opposite seberang jalan Wilayah Kompleks.. mlm2 memang full lah kan..
Okay inilah Kholidi Asadil as Khairul ( sebut Khoirul ) Azzam , hero dlm KCB ni.. actually the 5 main character for KCB ni semua dipilih dari reality shows nak rebut watak ni... and for me.. sebab dia bukan actor before this, lakonan dia sgt real!!!!! Tgok pun sedih...

the heroin Oki Setiana Dewi as Anna , she's also very good ... dia pun winner from the reality shows for the character..
Andi Arsyil Rahman Putra as Furqon..

Alice Sofie Norin as Eliana.. only she's a real actress , still dia pun go thru the reality show audition fo r her character..

Memang all the 5 main characters go tru Reality Show Audition to get their role.. giler kan.. memang bestlah sbb they really knows their role.. So sebabkan I cant make it this weekend.. berusaha I google semua infor about the Movies.. and by this time juga I've watched the Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Part2 via online.. he.. he.. tak sabar kan..

The KCB Part2 lebih sedih.. so for those who's going to the Charity Screening this weekend at TGV KLCC for KCB & KCB 2 Back to Back.. sediakan tissue ya.. esp for the Part2 !!!!


1 comment:

eRni said...

erni pun tgk citer ni through online end last year sbb masa tu x de tv lg kat rmh..mmg best and terus je nk smbung part 2. nasib baik happy ending kan..;)