Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Klias River Cruise Sabah

From Tg Aru ke Klias , ambil masa nearly 2 hours.. ditambah pulak journey time tgahrai.. ngantuk giler semuanya...

and sepanjang jalan gak, hujan renyai2 so, agak sejuklah suasana.. memang mengantuk dibuatnya.. Jalan nak ke Klias ni jalan kampung..
Dah sampai kat Klias River Cruise. Ramai gak member2 yg org Sabah pun tak pernah sampai kat sini.. he.. he.. That's the beauty of being a tourist , selalunya wwe'll get the chance to go tempay yg tak common..
Banyak tempat yg offer the River Cruise ni, tapi sib baik tempat yg we went ni plg best sekali , besar & selesa..

The Cruise comes in a package , from Tea Time , the Cruise nak tgok the Monkey , Buffet Dinner & cruise tgok the fireflies.. so sebab tu the timing for all the rombongan lebih kurang sama jer...
bot2 yg dah ready as the cruise starta at 5pm.. we reach there at 4pm, just nice for tea time.. sebab the journey jauh sangat.. sampai2 semua dah lapar..

tea time comes with tea / coffee and kuih2 .. cukup banyak utk alas perutlah..
Didi wondering apa ada kat dalam hutan paya bakau tu.. I guess paya bakaulah..
by 530pm we all pun startlah.. banyak giler bot yg berlepas.. so when you gerak, you will be berselisih ngan bot2 lain.. even frm Cruise yg lain..
air dia walaupun camni, tapi ada buaya tu.. siap kitorang siap nampak lagi.. huh.. terus semua tak berani letak tangan dalam air..
The main reason for the Cruise is nak tgok the Proboscis Monkey.. okay.. serious , sampai kat KK Museum tadi baru first time dengar nama monkey ni.. dia cam Monkey yg perutnya preggy.. he.. he.. both ya, Jantan & Betina.. and these Proboscis Monkey ada kat sini jer..
So we have to go sepanjang sungai tu.. once nampak Monkey tu , boat akan stop & let everybody tgok, amik gambar etc.. best giler like we have to search for the Monkey.. so boat yg nampak akan alert the rest of the boats..
the 2 hours memang jeourney memang best & semua pun enjoy giler.. boat tu laju pulak tu..
ni part nak masuk celah2 tu pulak.. masa nilah nampak Biawak , buaya semua.. macam cerita Anaconda plak feelin2 masa ni..
these are the cruise punya stoplah.. for boat yg to rest & stop for dinner before sambung balik for the Fireflies Session..
Cantik betul the view sepanjang the cruise ni... tak puas rasanya.. a totally new experience ..

so, after the 2 hours, we all balik ke Jetty tadi for the Dinner.. and the dinner jugak sangat sedap, lauk2 dia pun terasa lah.. plus siap ada bihun sup panas2 lagi..

lepas dinner semua , sambung balik at 8pm for the fireflies session plak.. kebetulan musim kelip2 kot.. memang nasib kitorang baik.. so baru gerak sikit jer.. dah nampak byk giler kelip2..
oh okay takde gambar sebab dah taklarat nak amik gambar.. lagipun dah gelap gelita malas plak nak fokus ke kelip2 tu.. tak cantik jadinya..

the view of the fireflies ? speechless lah.. amazed sangat.. as that was my first experienced.. byk giler, pokok2 besar tu dah jadfi mcm pokok krismas...

lepas the fireflies viewing session, we all balik KK balik.. s o sepanjang perjalanan tu plak hujan renyai renyai.. dan memang area tu lembab jer.. so semua pun bantai tidor dlm van..
sampai hotel balik.. dah around 1030pm.. sempat lagi stop for teh tarik session sebab semua dah lapar balik...

and it's only our first nite at KK.. ;)


marinahunny said...

hohoho syiok nye jalan2..

Mulan said...

lebih syok sbb dgn family kan ?

Liza said...

very nice, such a wonderful adventure and you are right, lebih syok cause it's with your loved ones

Lyn Yusoff said...


Mulan said...

Liza ;) agree..

Lyn, I think its really worth it pergi holiday kat KK.. ;)

ayeen said...

erm leh bgtau x no contact nk g river cruise ni???