Last wedding for the holidays , at Sg Buloh.. punyalah jauh..
Janji berkumpul kat USJ Taipan with the rest of the friends, and this is the first time nak pergi ke wedding myDear punya member ride ride bicycle ni..

Okay , the wedding is at Putra Hill to be exact, exclusive area, ada a few units jer rumah kat dalam ni. Ni memang wedding orang2 berada okay..
Bapa Pengantin Lelaki is Kapten (B) and the groom plak anak Datuk.. so, kira punya kira, total khemah I guess more than 20 kot here and there.. tapi dengan cuaca yg sangat panas... aduhh berpeluh jugaklah..

some of the antique cars depan rumah.. kereta pengantin tuh.. ;) oh ya btw
Ayu was at the kenduri earlier.. I missed her as she already left by the time I sampai.. hmm, takde rezeki nak jumpa..

more khemah kat atas bukit tuh.. so masa ni dah kul 130pm.. org still ramai giler.. sebab susah nak parking, there's a free Shuttle Service.. an MPV dok angkut guests yg parking nun jauh kat sana nak jalan masuk tengah2 panas..
one of the shuttle service driver is Aker , the pengantin's cousin cum geng beskal jugak..

that's the whole geng !!!! penuh sesak satu meja . The guy in pink is also the cousin of the Pengantin lelaki..

me & Adriana Saffiya , bubbly girl ni jgn memain , she can run nearly 6 round kat MPSJ stadium tu not stop tau.. she's anak buah one of the geng..

Pengantin looks good in yellow ! That is handsome Hafiz !
and suka sgt tgok the Yellow Wedding Theme , as all the relatives semua pakai kuning ...:)

Rumah yg sgt cantik, beautiful decor .. suka sangat..

the traditional & modern song rendered so beautiful for the evening...

this is another side of the house. coffee corner , free flow of Coffee & teh tarik.. and memacam kueh mueh...

the best part, see ???? the pelamin siap ada replica basikal tuh... !!!!!! Firts time I jumpa tau.. everybody was amazed.. ha.. ha...

Coffe Corner at the back..

the gang ngan pengantin... ride and more ride lepas ni Hafiz....!!!!

us with the Pengantin before leaving the beautiful Wedding.. tetiba ramai kids kat bawah nak join plak..

the blue antique car cantik giler !!!! sempat lagi before leaving the house...

the chocolate bar Token from the Pengantin.. again look at the antique bicycle !!!
All the Best to Hafiz & Syaz :)
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