this long pending entry was in the draft dah berminggu.. this was my first outing lepas Mc bagai..
badan tak berapa sihat tapi sebab nak temankan ada org nak beli kasut..
tambah dgn takde selera makan.. so myDear decided that we ate @ the Curve..

this is the Garden Cafe , very beautiful Cafe , located at the end of the Cuve, opposite Laundry Bar, and just before you reach Cineleisure if u are from the Curve..

the decor etc.. semua allwhite.. memang cantik giler...

lemon Juice.. since dah berhari tak minum ice.. tempting pulak kan...
Garden Cafe served all kind of Food, esp Western Food..
the price pun okay.. very reasonable.. service pun tip top..

Nice kan..

Chilli Wedges pembuka selera.. cehh.. sedap!!!!

the evening was more beautiful dgn the melody fron the pianist...memang romantic habis.. one of the best song he played petang tu was Belaian Jiwa.. feeling kan..

the tea light sebab masa ni dah lewat petang...
memang rilek lepak kat sini.. cozy, tak ramai org.. really a good place to hang out..

Cineleisure form the Garden..

cantik kan.. macam setting utk Garden Wedding...

left the Garden bila hari dah start gelap.. it was really a great & romantic place to have your dinner or your tea time..
thanks to myDear sebab susah payah bawak I keluar makan sebab selera takde.. !!!
such a lovely place :) sweetlah ur hubby layan u camni
thanks dear.. habis dah berdua jer.. nak layan siapa lagi.. he.. he..
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