Dinner mlm pun area dekat rumah jer.. last 2 days pun resting at home...
Sunday nite myDear ajak keluar dinner kat luar, mainly sebab MU vs Liverpool punya kes lah..
Plus he's meeting his frens kat sana..

so that is Aiee - actually he's working in Penang, but every weekend Aiee will be in KL.. so kalau free, selalunya kat kedai ni lah kitorang jumpa..
Banana Leaf Rest ni its not ordinary kedai mamak , but this is yg ownernya ialah Mualaf a.k.a Mr Steven yg jugak member Tennis masa kat USM dulu..
Steven not in the Pics as he's the one yg amik & all pics I amik frm his FB.. he.. he.. sorry ya..

A very good & nice place to hang out.. & weekend memang full houselah esp bila ada football match EPL..
I love the Nasi Lemak Bungkus dia .. and of course the Teh Tarik - awesome lah..
For me kalau kedai tu Teh Tarik nya out.. memang I takkan pergi lah..

For those yg vegetarian tu, they also have vege food, you just ask the staffs k..
Kudos tu Steven Tan, a great Chap .. u takkan syak he's the boss if u went to the kedai lah.. sebab gaya dia yg sempoi & mingle around with the crowd tu..
Love to lunch or dinner or supper @ Banana Leaf Restaurant ??? Dropped by k .. :)
For me & myDear.. we love the place !!!!!!
1 comment:
ohh baik punya promo :) nak pergi jugak!
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