Pelamin at 12 midnite.. masa ni rombongan pengantin lelaki baru bersurai.. like I said earlier ada masalah sikit yg mendelaykan the akad nikah for the nite.. yg penting semua dah selesai.

red roses! cantik..and simple..

red bunga telur.. I think Red must be her favourite color lah.. masa tunang dulu pun Red Hantaran jugak..

the pelamin dah ready.. but masa akad nikah tak bersanding pun.. semuanya to be used esok.. since tadi dah lewat.. it's only akad nikah for the nite..

the decor, I love the spot & angle.. byk giler I shoot just at the Red Roses..

less is more.. very simple Decor at the Pelamin infact.. and seems to be nice..
Kuza's is the 2rd from the 4 of the girls in the Family. Her mom is my auntie..which is my Mom in law's sister..
Rumah diaorang pun tak jauh frm our myDear's house at Kg Kota, theirs was as Kg Ulu Gadong.. dekat jer..

by this time.. semua guests dah balik.. yg tinggal a few of very close relatives, termasuklah few of us yg balik

Pengantin in one of her 2 outfits.. by this time memang dah takde guests.. only left the photographer.. it was already past midnite..

Red bunga Pahar ready for trow's big day..

i manage to shoot byk giler pics as masa ni memang dah takde org.. the rest of my family kat luar berborak & discuss family matters etc.. malas la nak join..cerita org tua tua..

trow, 14th February is the kenduri day.. moga semuanya berjalan dgn lancar..
After Kuza - there will be one more Achik's daughter yg belum berkahwin.. Linda is still studying rasanya..

myDear yg dah ngantuk.. tapi sebab semua org dok berborak lagi.. tahan juga lah mata..

Bunga api for CNY , ada jugak kat Kampung ni.. by this time ingat semua dah ngantuk.. tapi sambung balik borak kat dapur with hot teh tarik - thanks to Taty.. and more stories until 2am kot..
sesekali balik kg berkumpul walaupun tak ramai...
Biasalah la..bila musim cuti, ramai org berkahwin..btw, mmg lawa the pelamin
the color looks so hot and sweet :)..eh pic u mana..hehe
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