Tuesday, December 1, 2009

67th Bday .. We Love U :)

The night masa Eid Adha tu we plan to Suprise , Omak :) my mom in law.. her bday was few days before Eid Adha.. on 25th Nov.. and it was her 67th , alhamdulillah..

the family Wedding Hall of Fame.. dah jadi trend.. semua adik beradik yg kahwin, we will have our photo at one part of the Dinding kat Hall atas..
yg plg dekat dgn camera tu was mine..nice kan.. it reminds us of our big day.. years and years ago...
the cake was frm Secret Recipe.. yeah but the cake kena order frm KL.. so we had to order ptg tu, and then they have to bring all the way to Tampin.. huh.. thanks to Secret Recipe..:) and thanks to my sis in law Kak Sha that made it happen..
my bro in law bang tam is lighting the candles.. this was after dinner.. semua tgah lepak berborak etc...
my mom in law cutting the cake , while Alyssa staring at the cake..
my father in law.. congratulates omak.. he.. he.. hopefully both of them sentiasa dlm keadaan yg sihat selalu.. insyaallah..
the delicious cheese cake.. cheese yeah ...
the celebration was sweet , short & simple.... and she was really suprised and still I guess a bit sad as not everybody was home for the Raya Haji..
we record the vid , upload & mms to my Sis in law kat US.. it's for u Tie..
dah ngantuk giler.. but like always.. except kalau ada live football match, the whole nite all of the family will gathered at dapor's cozy corner.. lepak.. borak.. and more teh tarik... and fyi my mom in law teh tarik taste as good as kedai mamak.. even better..
me & Nini :) she was the junior photographer in e makin.. she lurvess my new NIKON .. and she captured byk jugak nice shot..
since the adults berborak kat dapor.. the TV was conquered by the kiddos.. Hadi & Haikal watching Disney channel.. bonding gitu..
kalau ada bola, tak merasalah...
see.. mata dah pejam pun tapi borak tetap borak...the 3 brothers.. kalau jumpa mcm2 cerita...
dah nak pukul 12midnite.. but the nite still early.. ada hajat lagi lepas tu nak pergi lepak kedai mamak craving for Roti canai...
anyway, dah dekat nak 1 am I dah tak tahan, naik bilik terus.. trow had to wake up early.. biasanya kat kg Kota I don't wake up late.. lainlah kalau kat Kuala Kangsar.. he.. he..
lgpun trow is the engagement day, another big day too..

yeah, that's my wed photo in our room..


lily lotus said...

happy birthday to ur MIL..semoga sihat n happy selalu ;)

Blushwax said...

The family wedding hall of fame is such a cute idea. Love it!