Thursday, October 15, 2009

Marathon KL- Melaka -Rembau-KL

Lepas selesai semua di KLIA, terus gerak balik KL and semua bfast kat Taman Desa.. lepas tu pukul 10.30am terus gegas balik rumah sebab ada agenda lagi yg belum selesai...

it's our Best Friend's Wedding day.. yeay..
Jijone is getting married today.. memandangkan all the family affair thingy, tak dpt nak be there for the nikah as the nikah was at 10.30am camtu..

So, we are going there in 2 cars..dah janji dgn Azam & Wifey , dan satu lagi keta Azari , Ema & Nizam..

Balik terus mandi siap semua, kul 11.30lebih gerak ke Melaka..

yes, we are back to Melaka pulak.. Azam drive sebab myDear dah takleh buka mata...rumah pengantin pempuan kat Jln Penghulu Abbas Melaka..

reach Melaka around 1pm camtu, sedang elok.. sebab bersanding is at 1.30pm..

the pink khemah.. Jijone was our fren & one of the closest fren for myDear.. previously all of us work in the same company.. now tinggal me & Azam jer.. Azari, Jijone & myDear dah pindah kapal lain.. he.. he..

masa ni dah ramai org kat Khemah these are also from my company, tapi different outlet..

oh ya, Jijone's wifey was also working in my company.. tu pasal yg dtg kebanyakannya frm the same company..

the gift - chocolate yg sgt sedap.. the black chocolate..
Azari & Emma.. masa ni dah selesai makan & tgah menunggu pengantin sampai.. standardlah tgok org kahwin.. tgok bilik, pelamin, tunggu org sanding..
me @ the Khemah, pun dah selesai first round makan.. btw, sgtlah panas masa ni.. melekit dah muka badan semua..
the beautiful pelamin.. suka the photos @ the background.. the wedding theme, pelamin & hantaran is black & silver.. cantik tau..

some of the hantaran.. in black & silver.. btw hantaran2 dibuat personally oleh the bride okay.. sweet kan..?

sukalah sgt pelamin dia..
by 1.45pm, pengantin lelaki pun sampai.. the bersanding ptg ni is the gpwn & suit.. the reception this week barulah bersanding pakai traditional..
the bestman is Jo Maran, Jo pulak yg mcm gabra masa ni..
nak masuk rumah , tapi kena road block sampai 3 tol.. adat org Melaka katanya..
alhamsulillah semuanyan berjalan dgn lancar... cuasa pun ok, walaupun selalu I feel that Melaka & Rembau.. memanglah sgt panas...
ahli Kompang tak bergaji.. masa ni Jijone tgah bebrsanding..
Emma & me, tgah melepak berborak.. tgah tunggu Jijone finished all the agenda before we leave him..

the pink decor @ the pink khemah.. suka sgt.. :)

all of us before we left the newly weds..Nizam , Azam , Jo, Jijone , Iza, mydear, Azari, Ema , Me & Jijie - Azam's wifey..
kereta dah sedia menungg pasangan pengantin...

my top from Uluwatu the Curve , the kain from Kak Aida's JAKARTA's collection Ampang.

dekat nak pukul 3pm camtu kitorang pun decided to go.. and cuaca masih panas... most of our frens will be going this week for another recption @ Mallaca..

balik tu memang dah ngantuk sgt.. terpaksa singgah Kota jugak sebab ada brg tertinggal.. lepas tu baru gerak balik KL..

Both of us dah pengsan dlm keta due to ngantuk giler...thanks to Azam, sebab drive the car pergi & balik..

Ptg tu terus tidur kul 6pm tu.. and guess what pukul bpa I jaga ? 6am the next day.. gila... too tired sebenarnya.. from 2am sampai 6pm the next day tak henti activity... itu sebabnya lah...

Apapun congrats to Iza & Jijone.. :)

1 comment:

lily lotus said...

cantiknya door gift..cantiknya pelamin..cantiknya pengantin..dan yang paling penting..cantiknya u ;)