Lepas diarak & bertandu , berzapin semua, pengantin pun masuk bersanding kat dlm Rumah...
Masa tu kat luar dah sibuk giler dah dgn org datang, sedara mara datang.. memang letih giler kat luar.. peak hours gitu...
so me & mydear take a break lah kejap.. layan family.. masa ni pun dah pukul 2.30 lebih nak ke kul 3pm.. org pun dah reda sikit...
my second sis Angah dtg bawak my patents.. the rest tak dtg.. I have one more sister in Ipoh & my brother pulak balik tgannu kg wifey dia...
the adorable Hanna Maryam & my sis...
my mom & anak buah I didi...

Dulu dia ada group Impressions ngan Norman Hakim etc.. now he owns Sani Express bus gi Tganu , Alor Setar etc tu...
Sani is Kak Long 's Cousin.. Kak Long is my sis in law..mak pengantin..

kat dlm rumah Pengantin tgah sessi Photography lepas dah berjalan seluruh khemah sampai ke Coffee Corner tu bersalam dgn guests
the 3 lovely bridesmaid...
oh ya, Izrin is the son of Datuk Nik Nodzrul Thani & Datin Melor... both of them are very nice people..

our BIG FAMILY in LILAC... :) ramai kan ??/ itupun ramai yg dah balik...alhamdulillah semuanay berjalan dgn lancar, tak panas & tak hujan... huh.. missin accomplished..
need ar est,, esoknya ceremony kar tumah pengantin lelaki.. and this time we are free.. NO MORE DUTIES.. he.. he.. :)
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