Dari Kuala Kangsar kul 11 lebih.. itupun stop kat RNR kejap sebab ngantuk..
Pagi tu awal2 dah bangun.. sebabnya Raya 2 ni is the Open House kat sini.. for the first time jugak all of us anak2 dan menantu berpakat nak wat open house on Raya ke 2..

oh ya, kurang sorang cucu as the newly wed Aidah dah fly back to UK..
lepas Family Photo session , sessi bermaafan.. esp for us yg baru sampai subuh tadi.. dan masa ni jugak, my cousin Taty dah sampai..
leaps sessi one whole family dah kecoh ngan masing2 nak pose etc.. memang riuhlah..
oh ya, that the Black Kebaya Nyonya, the kebaya was custom made from Nirvana Collection @ Jonker Street Mallaca.. Aunty Alice was real Nyonya & the Kebaya was handmade..by her Aunty.. cantik giler tau..

and the Kebaya was Raya gift frm myDear.. thank you.. :)
the view from my in law's house.. oh ya the keronsang..tak berapa nampak.. it was my mother in law's punya.. I think umur dia dah berpuluh tahun giler.. and the value was ..$$$$$$.. bahaya kalau bawak berjalan..

and it was pure gold .. tahnk u omak for letting me to wear it..:)
the cucu with the grannys..
the originak Shukorian's...
all the menantus.. nizam in the middle.. sesatunya menantu lelaki...
my mak & pak mentua.. Hj Shukor & Hjh Rohani.. thanks for accepting me all these years in the family.. :)
btw I was sick in the morning plus batuk etc.. dgn mata yg buat hal.. the lens got infected.. pepagi dah pergi Klinik Kok @ Tampin.. amik ubat etc..
everything dah ready.. expexted guest more than 2oo pax... yes, that's pure sedara mara.. anak buah.. etc...

selalunya memang letih giler lah kalau dia org dtg beraya, I mean we have to do all the cooking etc.. of cos ada maid, tapi kesian lah diaorg kan.. so this year, atas arrangemenat by Zurie, we hired Catere... yes.. all the food drinks etc.. semuanya catering, termasuk pinggan mangkuk...
kitorang all the menantus just bawak kueh raya her, cake etc...
ketupat all the way from Trengganu.. the main dish was Nasi Beriani, Ayam merah , dalca etc..
additional lemang .. made & bakar by abah sendiri okay..
dalam rumah & luar rumah dah ready..
fisrt group datang I was still awake... lepas tu dah ptg sikit.. lepas amik all the ubat demam & batuk.. I pun tak flat habis.. tak sedar apa.. naik bilik tidur...

still kejap2 turun bawah tgok sedara mara yg datang... it was non stop sampai mlm.. extended the open house until 8pm.. huh.. hu...
alhamdulillah the food was just nice.. and ada lebih jugak.. walaupun yg dtg dekat nak 300 org...
anyway.. it was a good Raya this year.. mlm tu teruslah main bunga apai mercun bagai...
more pics form Nizam's expensive camera... he.. he..
suka tgk gambar ur P.I.L...loving gitu :)
ur in laws looks so sporting..hehe..seronokkan
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