Yes, insyaallah myDear punye best buddy will have his Wedding in a few months.. another Wedding?? I likeee....
since semua org tak sampai lagi, we all pun pergi Lunch dulu..

NASI AYAM MAS @ Setiawangsa, siapa yg selalu ke area Setiawangsa ni memang dah kenal kak MAS ni.. sebelum ada food court lagi Kak MAS punya nasi ayam dah popular dah.. like 9 years ago masa I baru2 kenal myDear dah dating kat kedai dia..
Kak MAS the lady in black tshirt still maintain macam dulu gak.. nasi Ayam dia memang best.. tak caya nanti bulan puasa datanglah, dia ada gak amik lot kat Bazaar Ramadhan Setiawangsa nih..
NASI AYAM MAS @ Setiawangsa, siapa yg selalu ke area Setiawangsa ni memang dah kenal kak MAS ni.. sebelum ada food court lagi Kak MAS punya nasi ayam dah popular dah.. like 9 years ago masa I baru2 kenal myDear dah dating kat kedai dia..
Kak MAS the lady in black tshirt still maintain macam dulu gak.. nasi Ayam dia memang best.. tak caya nanti bulan puasa datanglah, dia ada gak amik lot kat Bazaar Ramadhan Setiawangsa nih..
ptg tu jugak org Khemah nak naikkan all the decoration.. btw myDear 's punya duty is more to outside thingy.. to ensure all the lampu, PA System etc and other things perfect for trow nite..
Lepas makan, balik ke rumah.. sempat tgok Hantaran kat tingkat atas.. yes, this house 3 tingkat.. the bilik Pengantin is at 3rd floor.. nest to bilik pengantin were all the hantaran..
for the very bertuah pengantin lelaki.. simple jer.. a few dulang jer..

PS3.. this is cool..
Al Quran, like I said.. simple jer hantaran for this very young couple.. ni belum di touch up apa2 lagi..
the room next to bilik pengatin..sweetkan.. all the hantaran is in this room..
all white bilik pengantin.. still belum 100% siap..
yeah.. that's me.. . I was with all the rest nak siapkan thousand of Doorgifts for trow nite & Saturday tu...
yes, signage for the Big Day.. dah ready...
the caterer dah siap hantar all the things for trow BIG Day..
muka letihkan.. ni baru petang.. belum mlm lagi... but my duties is on the Door Gift, jaga VIP table and also the usherers.. so far itu jerlah..
yet still sebagai host we must ensure everything is in good shape..
brg2 utk door gifts decor etc.. final touch up.. mlm tu finished everything a bit late.. until 11pm..
mlm tu jugak ada doa selamat skit utk pastikan semua went smoothly the next day..
lepas settle smua, we went for drinks.. dgn Nini, she was my anak sedara.. Alang's daughter..
Alang was myDear 2nd big bro.. btw Nini went to Chinese School, she's 11 and she has a blog.. wee...:)
1 comment:
i love planning and organizing a wedding, suker sgt!!
btw, can you resend the email you sent me, tak dapatlah
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