Teluk kemang.. panas terik.. dah tu pagi tadi terlupa pakai Clinique Sun block cos I only put very lite basic make uo.. huh...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Teluk Kemang..
Lepas dia org gerak.. the ladies & sorang abg Syaaban's sons terus gerak by car ke Teluk Kemang.. we will wait wait for them there..
Teluk Kemang yang ramai jugak org walaupun masih awal pagi...
malangnya tgah2 jalan myDear punya tyre pancit.. sib baik memang bawak tyre spare.. so takde masalaha lah.. the guys were helping tp tukar tyre..

nasib baik cuaca okay.. cuma panas sikit..
letih tu. it's his first long distance road ride camni..
abg Syaabab & abg Karim.. for the firts time I met both wifey of them.. infact I naik keta Abg Karim's and the wifey Min is very friendly.. she's the Assistand Deirector @ one gov sector..
the firts round.. he made it alhamdulillah...
matrix is tired... his first long distance roady trip..

Teluk kemang.. panas terik.. dah tu pagi tadi terlupa pakai Clinique Sun block cos I only put very lite basic make uo.. huh...
so tgok dari jauh jer.. lagipun kat sini public area.. sgt ramaiii org..
Teluk kemang.. panas terik.. dah tu pagi tadi terlupa pakai Clinique Sun block cos I only put very lite basic make uo.. huh...
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