the story of Pengkalan Balak tu is the first week of July punya story.. dah lama sgt tak update ..
sebabnya.. sgtlah busy with work.. meetings.. and the coming wed ceremony.. we are really2 busy...

mlm tadi ada kenduri arwah.. makin dekat nak puasa byk jemputan kenduri , cuma masa jer yang tak ada..
but this time tak boleh elak.. kenduri kat rumah Pak Andak.. pak sedara side my father in law.. kena wakilkan sebab Along myDear's punya elder bro dah tgah busy with next week event..

so, Alng the 2nd bro, and myDear kenalah wakilkan.. my pak mentuo jugak sgt busy di kg for next month ceremony.. so, yg muda ni kenalah jadi wakil..

sementara nak tunggu Alang nak pergi sekali.. lepak dulu kat rumah..

he's also been very busy with the bike & ride thingy..

kenduri kat area Batu 14 camtu, otw to Semenyih kalau tak silap.. that's Yatie.. the lil sister dlm myDear's family..
she's staying in US.. balik ngan anak dia pun becos of next week punya majlis.. yg baju putih tu anak dia.. slang mat salleh habis.. the guy in spec is Alang's eldest son.. Hadi..
Yatie just reach KL last week..

she was telling about Coach that was very2 cheap kat US.. yg byk jual online tu kebanyakannya Factory Outlet punya..
tak sama dgn if u buy from Boutique.. hmm.. now baru I faham..

she lost weight.. simply for the coming ceremony.. he.. he.. gigih kan..

ramailah sedara mara belah my father in law kat sini.. and mewakili Along.. semua pun di invite sekali lagi for next week event.. huh..

makan sedap & kitorang mkn byk giler.. lauk daging salai kuning.. memang sedap.. tambahlak ikan2 sungai pure yg Pak Andak bisness sekarang.. yummy...

Zikri is enjoying my Iphone ngan Hadi..

we left around 1130pm.. esok ada meeting - last one before the real event.. huh... the whole family is very2 busy...

starting from Monday.. all of us will be very2 busy.. dgn kerja & the long awaiting Wedding of the Year... :)
btw Al Fatihah to Yasmin Ahmad..
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