1 more day to the BIG DAY.. esok dah start really busy.. I dah start cuti semalam.. until Sunday..
yes.. its a Real Meeting.. look at the Projector.. he.. he.. my Sis in Law bawak tuh..
that's the map.. of the BIG DAY.. gigih kan.. all was done by our dear Kak Long a.k.a my sis in law, Along's wifey - myDear punye eldest bro.. a.k.a they are the Bride to be parents..
the BIG DAY was planned as careful as they can.. the parents of the Bride sgtlah gigih tau..
i told you it's a real meeting.. siap ada minutes, and also Duty Checklist ...
and jugak dah selesai semua.. makan time.. yummy...Tatty was myDear punya cousin dia bawak beehoon ptg tu.. sedap giler..
well.. hopefyully semua berjalan dgn lancar.. insyaallah...
mesti grand banget nih...all the best for the preparation
kalo dah bermeeting bagai cenggini, insyaAllah semuanya akan berjalan dgn lancar...kalo ada hiccups pun very very minor lah tu :)
sebijik cam my family..
perbincangan mmbawa berkat!!!
planning is very important..
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